
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Discussion: Combination of items

Due to sent question, two of the members of Troll Patrol sat down and answered sent question.

Owen: The question I've been sent goes: "Can we combine Last Whisper + Ghostblade? Can we combine Trinity Force + Frozen Mallet? What are your thoughts on that? I saw players combining the two, but furthermore I've seen supporters collecting Lucky Pick, Hart of Gold and items with similar passive ability. I have also seen people getting two Heart of Golds. Can it be done? Thanks in advance!"

NJ: Hmmm... Those are very interesting questions.

Owen: Yes, it is, and opinions on it can differ.

NJ: Personally, I have seen many fullish things built up to 1600 elo approximately. This is really good question and it really needs to be explained properly. I don't know about your experience with it, but as I recall we have seen in our ranked team games that few people combined same gold items, haven't we?

Owen: Yeah, I recall one time when I was playing solo top against Trydamere when he got two Avarice Blades. In my opinion, that was not so bad. For 1500 gold he had gain about 25% of critical strike. That combined with his abilities and runes gave him domination over me.

NJ: Yes, I remember it. But you can recall as well that in the end he ended up being burden to his team. With that power he could only be pushy which gave our junglerer secured kills. Later on, he was failing because he was unfed. He sold both of the items so in the end it turned out to be that he wasted 1500 gold and thanks to it gain about 1000. Those items are only good if you are going to combine them, if not, they are waste of money.

Owen: Haha, that's true. There was Soraka with two Kage's Lucky Picks and failed game. Do you think it was because she played middle with Soraka?

NJ: No, that's not why. The player failed because it was unskilled and yet he wasted money on those items.

Owen: So, what you are saying is that buying two passively gold giving items is bad?

NJ: Not necessarily. Some of them like example mentioned before can give big dominance with certain type of character but it will make big disadvantage to player who did that in late game.

Owen: So, the final conclusion is, it's not good to buy two of the same gold accumulating items because it will give you great disadvantage later on? What's more only one of them give you passive ability. Second doesn't.

NJ: Yes. But on the other hand buying two different can be good, but again not necessarily good.

Owen: Lol. I remember time when you were support-tanking with Leona. You not only bought Heart of Gold but you bought Philosopher's Stone as well. That's rarity for you. To go for Shurelya's Reverie.

NJ: At that time we needed that item as no one else could buy it. I used Heart of Gold to make Randui's Omen and used Philosopher's Stone to get Shurelya. That way having two of different items is good, I mean if you plan on merging both into another items. If you are just going to sell one of them, like some people do, you are gravely mistaken because you'd lose more money than gain.

Owen: Yes, but important thing saying is what is actually purpose of those items. You actually spend (taking example of HoG) 850 gold on it. You usually accumulate up to 400 gold before you merge it with something. Selling it, as you said, will be big waste of money, so merging is the best solution. But that gold should be used to buy wards and stuff that will help your teammates. This way you can leave minions to your allies.

NJ: That's absolutely correct. So to conclude on that topic: buying two of the different gold accumulating items is good only if you are going to merge them. If you don't plan on merging any and you are not support, don't think of buying them.

Owen: So, now what's left to explain is Last Whisper, Ghostblade combo and Trinity Force, Frozen Mallet combo. What do you have to say about that.

NJ: As many people are going to criticize me, but Last Whisper, Ghostblade combination is not bad at all. That's the combination you can use on some specific types of characters. Those are my primarily items on Regnar and Kha'zix. It can boost their powers beyond limits. You can kill enemy's carry with just four - five strikes and having only 150 damage (I am relating to early game). Buying Bloodthirster on that combo will just give you more power. With about 220 - 230 damage you can kill enemy carry with two blows. It can be really insane power combining those two items, but they should only be combined on melee bruising characters.

Owen: In the end you are saying that that is not such a bad combo?

NJ: If applied on right type of characters, definitely it isn't.

Owen: Thank you about that, but would you explain things about Trinity Force, Frozen Mallet combination?

NJ: That one is rather interesting question that's why we left it for the end, didn't we?

Owen: Hahaha, yes, I thought it would be best for the end. So what are the opinions on it?

NJ: There are different opinions on this one. In my opinion it is not good to combine them if you are playing ranked games because you spend too much money on basically nothing. You should either chose whether you would like to get constant slows with Frozen Mallet or getting great additional damage with Trinity Force. If you are playing normal games, you can combine them, but they cost too much money. If you are trying to get offensive tank build with lots of health points go for Trinity Force, Warmog's and instead of +700hp given by Frozen Mallet go for Zeek's Herald, RoA, Ryle's Crystal Scepter and similar items, depending on what type of character you are playing.

Owen: So basically you are saying that combining those to is not pretty much good?

NJ: That's my exact opinion, though I don't say you cannot try doing that.

Owen: Aren't you just saying that so you don't get in conflict with others who are saying that those two can be combined?

NJ: You saw right through me, lol.

Owen: Well, that's good to know. So, guys, you have seen what's our professional opinions on this. We will be back with more discussions and next time probably with someone else from the team. Have fun playing and good luck on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Story of Black Claver, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Bloodthirster (with useful game information as well)

Hello guys, Troll Patrol here. For past days League of Legends' professionals and I have argued in which was better, Youmuu's Ghostblade or Black Claver. Through the process we analyzed Bloodthirster in this as well. Here is what our conclusions are!

Even though we all supported different theories there was a shock I hadn't expected. Let me tell you a funny story - if you came here only for the fact, there will be conclusion at the end of the post, but if you are here to relax, then read the story, I promise it will be worth your time. :))

Over hills and far away, in lands which location remains unknown 'till this very day, three servants lived. They were scattered all over the lands. Nations fought for territory. Rule existed, one who size the land shall make everyone he encounters in the lands do his bidding. Many artifacts were located there. None of them had choice but to try and defend their lands. If they would fail they would be given to aristocracy and new land will be formed. And peasants would be treated like slaves. Firstly, nemo* knew what kind of power will these items bring. People thought that they will guarantee them wins and they were right, for a while.
They all thought they are the strongest ones there are and no one has balls to oppose them, but once two the same encountered they realized they aren't the only one with power. Soon afterwards, every country has made it's own list about glorious items they had encountered. They didn't know how, but they realized when they take these mystic items in their hands, they are being controlled, but no one minded that because they were given amazing power.
Time will pass and wars will continue, artifacts that gave proved most useful will be kept and those that weren't would be tossed aside. People of that time only knew about force, none of them was tactical with weapons carried. First people who realize about the importance of combining artifacts will prove to be strongest on field. They weren't numerous but still, they existed in every country. For the time being bloodshed continued. All nations wanted to posses artifacts that another nation posses. That's when first cloning facilities have been born.
Time passed and cloned artifacts became more likely to exchange the real ones. After a while they were perfected to that way that you couldn't tell difference between real and cloned one.
Two sides had been established then. Both consisting of few nations. There was blue and purple fractions. They all had their own goals. So in the end, when bloodshed was no longer possible, when there were no people to kill anymore because almost everyone had already died wars stopped and artifacts were thrown into oblivion.
Peace was established but it was not destined to be long living. Political started arguing and soon war was coming again, artifacts needed to be located again.
Both fractions were losing the war so they decided to organize specific league that will have few stadiums were best of the best will fought, it was necessary that no more blood of innocent get spilled again.
Few artifacts were the main ones: Lord Blood Thirsty popularly called in everyday language - The Bloodthirster, Count World Consisting of Infinity Edges, shortened called just as Infinity Edge, Blade of the Samurai Youmuu's Ghost, also known as Youmuu's Ghost Blade and the last one was Blacc Carver, mistakenly once called Black Claver by some drunk guy and soon afterwards no one knew it's real name.
Of all items, Black Claver was the saddest one, even though he was know to everyone usually no one took him into his hands. But than something happened, while in practice, genetically self-modified monster calling himself Doctor Mundo has taken Black Claver to purposely lose to young boy he was teaching. Many of his friends watched and couldn't believe how strong Black Claver was. It could parry one of the strongest artifacts - Bloodthirster. People were shocked. They did investigations and came to one conclusion: Black Claver is as good as Bloodthirster and is as good as empty Youmuu's Ghostblade, but it still couldn't parry Ghostblade who's energy was fully filled. In the end they realized that they had been wronged so they started figuring out how to use unused items and came to amazing combinations.
From that day on, no artifact felt lonely and sad anymore. All have became equal. In the end they were given new name - items - instead of artifacts and they all lived happily ever after. :)

So now that story is over I'd like to share with you what we fount out:

Black Claver ~ Bloodthirster;
Black Claver > Inactive Youmuu's Ghostblade;
Black Claver < Active Youmuu's Ghostblade.

So in the end, both items are really good, you just need to know how to use them. Strategically and statistically all of these three items can parry each other. What's written slightly before this sentence is how items can parry each other when two same characters have the same build but only one item changes. This is really good to know as far as we heard that Riot wants to make new way of building, possibly similar to Smite's. If you are not familiar with the game I will tell you how it goes. You can only buy one item once! You cannot duplicate your items. If that goes thru in season three this will be really useful information to all of us. Try and practicing so that you can beat anyone who is not used to new system

Explanation of words:
*nemo (lat. no one)

All the best on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Katarina's guide and build

This guide and build has been requested by community. That said, today we will cover champion: Katarina.

So like for Ahri's guide we will firstly explain what type of character Katarina is.

Katarina is AP melee fighter. She utilizes in damaging few enemies at the same time. She is extraordinary character, but I dislike her personally. Anyway, though people call her noobish champion she definitely isn't that. Even though she is not difficult to play with, it can be pretty trick what to do with her. She is good for controlling lanes and can be both played as AP caster or AD bruiser.

Playing with her can be a bit hard first few levels. In the beginning of the game she's dramatically disadvantaged because she is melee type of character (this does not set in if she plays against some other melee character). Dependably on what type of character she plays against that changes her game-style.

Playing against ranged characters will result in capping first skill as soon as possible. Against range characters, specially against harassers, she needs range and damage that is given to her by her first ability (will explain it a bit clearer later). Playing against melee enemies will result in capping her second ability as soon as possible.

Katarina is really dependable on range. She cannot fight unless she closes up to her target. Her casting damage is not enough in early levels to win. On the other hand she comes pretty handy in team battles as high damage multiple target caster.

Let's talk about her pros for a bit now. We might have mentioned few things so far and I will start by repeating and explaining them in details.

Katarina can target multiple enemies at the same time which makes her good teammate. She is type of carry that doesn't focus on single target. She can poke from distance or battle in close combat. She is all packed in one. What's more, her third skill can be used as escaping mechanism or gap closing skill. Furthermore, more she kills more she can simultaneously cast spells over and over again thanks to her superbly made passive ability. Anyway, one of the best things is that hers spells don't use any form of energy whatsoever (energy, mana, health, etc.).

Katarina has a lot of disadvantages as well. She is hardly to do well against good Crowd Control made team. Her ultimative ability is in the most of danger of being cancelled and as it is her most useful tool for multiple damage, it mustn't fail! Countermeasures that can improve in your ultimative not being cancelled is paying attention to details. You mustn't use your ultimative if all of the enemies have their Crowd Control effect of of cooldown. What's more, while being in frenzy mode with your ultimative always know that you can be approached easily or killed instantly. While in frenzy she is most harmful as it can get. One more disadvantage to her is that she is melee caster. Theirs style pretty much defers from others.

Enough of her advantages and disadvantages, let's talk about her skills now. (The images we used are the images before remake was applied. Only second skill has the new image)

Passive: Voracity - After killing or assisting in enemy's killing Katarina's skills that are on cooldown have their cooldown reduced by 15 seconds.

1st skill: Bouncing Blade - Katarina throws her blade that damages up to 2/3/4/5/6 enemies per spell level. After each hit enemy damage of the spell is reduced by 10%. This is one of her most important weapons for battling against ranged characters because she can poke them from distance and don't get caught up in enemies spells. Playing defensive against ranged character at about first eight levels is usually important because her damage at that time usually cannot correspond with another caster's one. Later, this item can be used to damage defensively playing opponents. Damage output:  60/95/130/165/200 (+0.45) per level.

2nd skill: Sinister Steel - Katarina whirls her daggers damaging all enemies in area. If she damages enemy champion she gains burst of speed for one second (12/20/28/36.5/44% movement speed per level). Damage output: 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.6) (+0.25) magic damage per level. This is one of the best spells that she can use in close combat. Because of that, maxing it first against melee enemies shouldn't be optimal. :)

3rd skill: Shumpo - Katarina flashes on target's location and gaining 15% of reduced incoming damage against her for next three seconds. Katarina can both use Shumpo on allied unit (good escaping mechanism) or against enemy unit (good gap closing skill). If she hits enemy unit she deals: 60/85/110/135/160 (+0.4) magic damage per level.

Ultimative: Death Lotus - Katarina goes into frenzy state throwing daggers at tops speed and damaging up to three enemy champions. Damaging any champion will cause bleeding which would cause in 50% reduced enemy healing for next three seconds. Output damage: 400/500/600 (+3) (+1.75) magic damage per level. Tip: I have mentioned while ago to wait for an opening and to be cautious when landing this skill. Hide in bushes untill team fight starts. After enemies have exhausted their Crowd Control resources enter in fight with Shumpo and using Death Lotus to deal as much as damage as you can and get as much as kills as you can. Another good option is to fire Bouncing Blades just as you land with Shumpo on your target, before activating your ultimative ability.

 After we've covered all of this up, let's turn to builds.

Believe it or not, Katarina should be mainly played as AP caster with solid AD damage and lots of health. So let's see how to do that:

Normal/Ranked 5v5 Game (in both you can play pretty much the same):

1. Start with Boots of Speed and 3 health potion (don't worry if you don't have runes).
2. Farm on minions as much as you can and poke your enemy. After you get enough gold go back to base and buy Blasting Wand.
3. After some time passes go to store again and buy Ionian Boots of Lucidity. She could actually use that cooldown that those shoes give.
4. After this try getting Amplifying Tome.
5. Now go for Giant's Belt.
6. You know what goes next, don't you? I think I have idea what you've been thinking about so I'll just say - We need Needlessly Large Rod now!
7. Now you must be doubted what I am going to tell, what's next. Is it Rabadon's or Ryle's Crystal Scepter. Neither actually. Now what we need is Sheen to give us more damage in close combats.
8. OK, now we filled build up and we must merge items into something. We will. Now get Ryle's Crystal Scepter as it is time to have more healths.
9. Now, we should be focusing on more AP so we will need Rabadon's.
10. OK, buy Hextech Revolver.
11. Buy Lich Bane. Now you have all the AD strength needed.
12. So in this moment there are different schools of playing Katarina. Some say that it is better to buy Will of the Ancient, some say that it is better to get Hextech Gunblade. You see, I support both, so this will definitely be your choice. And how to make it? I'll explain. If you are loosing you will need Will of the Ancients because it is cheaper. If you can obtain as much as gold as Hextech Gunblade requires, than get him and don't forget to use it's passive ability.
13. OK, we are down to our last item. What could it be... Hmph! I am not sure. This item depends on what kind of game you are playing and because I am no predictor I cannot say it for sure but I can point you at some directions. You can get Banshee's Veil if you need to protect yourself against any Crowd Control which they might be saving for you, or you could go with Thornmall if you are constantly being focused by enemies AD carry. It's not bad choice to get Warmog's as well if you need durability with healths.

With this build you will need to constantly switch your targets and lower theirs health so you can just go on with finishing them. Not even tankiest person will survive Katarina who is built this way. Don't forget that Lich Bane gives her lots of damage with basic attack so try to maximize your opportunities for dealing basic damages while Lich Bane is active.

Images of mentioned items:

Dominion/Proving Grounds Build:

1. Start with Boots of Speed and Blasting Wand.
2. Upgrade Boots of Speed to Boots of Swiftness.
3. Get Needlessly Large Rod and merge it with Blasting Wand when the opportunity shows up into Rabadon's.
4. Get Giant's Belt.
5. Get Blasting Wand again.
6. Merge Giant's Belt and Blasting Wand into Ryle's Crystal Scepter.
7. Buy items for Hextech Gunblade and create it as quick as possible.
8. Get two Blasting Wands.
9. Use one Blasting Wand to create Abyssal's Scepter.
10. Use another Blasting Wand into another Rabadon's. Stacking Rabadon's is not that good but on Dominion specially you don't have time to stack mana. What's more Katarina cannot use Archangel's Staff, Rod of Ages and similar so building two Rabadon's on her is not that bad choice. Do you get my point?

Normal/Ranked 3v3 Game:

1. Start with Doran's Shield.
2. Buy Boots of Speed.
3. Get Amplifying Tome.
4. Get Blasting Wand.
5. Merge Blasting Wand and Amplifying Tome into Void Staff.
6. Get Giant's Belt.
7. Now go for Needlessly Large Rod.
8. Let's get shoes. On this type of map get Sorcerer's Shoes.
9. OK, now we need to get Ryle's Crystal Scepter as soon as you can.
10. Buying Lich Bane on this map is not bad as well, so get Sheen but don't merge it into it's final state yet!
11. Now buy Rabadon's.
12. OK, now's the time to get Lich Bane.
13. Sell your Doran's Shield and buy game-needing item.

Try out builds and tell us what you think. You can always try to gather up pieces from everyone and make your ultimative build. If you come up to one, contact us and we will publish it. If you don't like something that we used, tell us in comment, or if you don't understand comment on post again and we will see how to help you to understand better.

Good luck on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Soraka, again!

OK, I think Riot has nothing much to do than making things for Soraka. Even though she just got remodeled there is new Soraka skin coming our way. Guess it was not enough that they made her and her particles better, they need something new for her as well, but they are neglecting needs of other characters as well. Anyway, this is how new Soraka bearing the name "Battle Priest Soraka" will look like. There is no default skin yet:

This time, I must say that this skin is not that good, in my opinion, but if you like it, than wait for it. Looks like hers skin is going to be finished soon.

All the luck on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Champions and skins sale: 28/9/2012 - 1/30/2012

This time Riot has given three champions and skins on sale. This sale will not last long so if you want to buy skins cheaper now's the time to do so!

List of characters and skins from sale:

Fizz for 487 RP;
Xerath for 487 RP;
Malphite for 292 RP;
Caterpillar Kog'Maw for 260 RP;
Djinn Malzahar for 487 RP;
High Command Katarina for 487 RP.

Here are skin spotlights:

Caterpillar Kog'Maw

Djinn Malzahar:

High Command Katarina:

Have fun on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Sultan Tryndamere available on live servers

Sultan Tryndamere skin will be accessible on live servers for 487RP up to 4th October due to celebration of Turkey server making.

Check it out!

Check out Sultan Tryndamere in-game particles:

What's more, check Sultan Tryndamere skin preview:


See you on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ahri's guide and build

Today we will make an Ahri build guidance. We will make builds alphabetically unless any of you request some specific build.

Firstly, we will describe what is Ahri like a character. You may disagree with us, but we are writing from our personal and professional opinions.

Ahri is ranged AP caster specialized in harassing from great distances. She is utterly superb character considering her range. She can be played either aggressively or defensively but in either way she is good pick. There are not too many characters that can harass her out of the lane, but even when you need to play against them, you can switch your tactics drastically so you gain favor over the battlefield.

Her skills make her like dominatrix. She's able to kill the enemy champion that push too much and open up, but as well to that she is able to feed on minions and make her enemy go back into base really often. She's also good in team fights which makes her great comrade. She has good escaping mechanism which makes her hard to kill. Despite all of this she has week points too.

Even though she's all that, she can be week, so watch about her disadvantages in the battlefield even though they aren't that big to notice. She hasn't got good offensive damage at all. Her output damage with her skills is low which can make the battle agonizing and frustrating. I have already told you she's good for harassing and killing, but now I am contradicting it. How's that possible? Here's way! She might not be good for killing in one blow like bruiser AP casters, but she can kill and make enemy to think twice about battling her. You need to constantly harass the enemy champion with your first skill. The trick is to lend damage from it twice. If you succeed doing that you overturned battle in your favor. You can defend or secure twice hitting with first skill as well if you lend your third skill. Combining her skills in close range you can own your enemy. If you cannot own him in close combat, you can always harass from the distance. If you haven't realize during this explanation I have told you about her other disadvantage. Even though her first and third skill have good range, she needs to get to close range to kill the enemy. Doing that badly may result in her being killed. Third disadvantage is that she has two skill shots. They are like none other character have. They are pretty slow so it's hard to embrace them your own.

Enough of that, let's talk about her skills more:

Passive: Essence Theft - Whenever an enemy is hit by any of Ahri's spells Ahri gains one charge. She can gain maximum three charges per cast spell. All spells can give you up to three charges except the third one because that's the only single hit spell that's why you should focus on making all the possible charges with your spells because once you reach nine charges another effect kicks in. When you reach nine charges your next spell heals you for 35% of damage you dealt with your spell. That said, it's best to use passive with your first skill as it is your biggest output damage. It's also a good thing to have in mind that you should wait more minions on the ground so you increase healing as well. If you don't need to heal, try not casting anymore of your spells. If you need to cast them, then fire away! :)

1st skill: Orb of Deception - This is Ahri's biggest output damage as I have mentioned ten times by now. This spell deals damage to any enemy unit hit. Important thing said was that it doesn't matter how much enemy units were damaged by spell, the damage amount stays constant. What's more good thing to have in mind is that at the end of the range orb will come back to you damaging any enemy unit in its path for same damage as before. Damage never changes so that's the reason why this is Ahri's main damage spell. It can stack up to three charges despite it moves two times. One important thing is that first fire of the orb is direct, but one ricocheting moves towards your character so it's path can be changed. You can always counter enemy's constant movement and damage him this way. Mana needed for usage 70/75/80/85/90 per level. Cooldown on spell is 7 seconds on all levels. Damage output of this skill is: 40/65/90/115/140 per level.

2nd skill: Fox Fire - This skill has small range. Activating this skill Ahri gains three fire bolts that will attack nearest enemy or enemies. If fire bolts hit same enemy twice or three
times during the activation damage for second and third bolt are reduced by 50%. This skill is good to use once you get in close range against your enemy. It's good if you can caught enemy when there are no minions around so you can hit him with all of your fire bolts to maximize the damage. Bare this in mind that you cannot control where fire bolts will go, but they primarily target the closest enemies. Mana cost: 60 on all levels. Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds per level. Damage output is: 40/65/90/115/115 per level.

3rd skill: Charm - This skill is one of her helping escaping abilities and one of her main skills for helping killing the enemy before he even can harm you. Enemies hit with this skill are taunted for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds per level and walk towards Ahri. Mana cost: 50/65/80/95/110 per level. Cooldown: 12 seconds on all levels. Damage output: 60/90/120/150/180 per level.

Ultimative: Spirit Rush - Ahri dashes forward damaging up to three enemies each time it is cast. It can be cast three times before Spirit Rush goes on cooldown. Dashing range of the skill is slightly bigger than flash's range so you can say this skill is her ultimative defensive, running away and being chicken skill, and her good damage output skill for team battles. My advice to you is that you save this skill for when it will need to comes in handy and to try and dash through walls so you can escape chasing enemies. Mana cost: 100 on all levels. Cooldown: 110/95/80 seconds per level. Damage output: 80/125/165 per level.

After this all checked out we can throw in the builds and tactics!

Main thing for Ahri is to be built tanky-ap so she can cover up for all of her disadvantages! Here's the build we can use:

Normal Game 5v5 (guessing you play this for rejoice and fun):

1. Start with D-Ring.
2. Secondly buy Boots of Speed.
3. Thirdly don't try to build anything more than Boots of Speed so let's get building some AP. Go with Blasting Wand.
4. This will be the time of the game when you need to buy Giant's Belt and it's necessity.
5. Try to rush Ryle's Crystal Scepter.
6. Starting team battles now you will need to upgrade your shoes. Buy Ionian Boots if you think your cooldowns will get better of you but in any other way I prefer to go Mecruy's Threads with her so I can decrease duration of the crowd control effects over me.
7. After this you will need much ability power. So try buying Needlessly Large Road asap.
8. What's more don't go in combining Rabadon's Deathcap yet! Get Catalyst the Protector and rush Rod of Ages - you won't regret it!
9. Now you can build Rabadon's Deathcap when your defense is really good and your AP is not that bad as well.
10. OK, now you should be more than ready to beat anyone you encounter, but building Void Staff will only make you better against anyone who tries to build magic resistance to counter you. If no one builds any magic resistance, don't spend money on it. If that happens go for Morello's Evil Tome.
Remember! If enemy team has annoying healer like AP Yi, Mundo, etc. build Morello's as quick as you can, but don't forget about your defense as well!
11. Once you have everything set you can now focus on building an supporting item like: Will of the Ancient - if you have many APs, Frozen Heart - If you have no support, Guardian Angel - support yourself. :))) Sixth item should always be optional, dependably on how the game goes on.

Normal Game 3v3 (guessing you play this for rejoice and fun as well):

1. Start with D-Ring.
2. Like last build go for Boots of Speed.
3. Now go for Blasting Wand.
4. Let's build more AP and AD output. Go for Sheen.
5. Now let's get tenkier with Giant's Belt.
6. Upgrade Blasting Wand and Sheen to Lich Bane.
7. Now, let's get Catalyst the Protector.
8. Hmph, we really need AP now. Build Needlessly Large Rod.
9. OK, we are slow as snail for this part of the battle. Go for Ionian Boots of Lucidity. We really need cooldown reduction for this map.
10. Turn Catalyst the Protector to Rod of Ages now.
11. OK, let's turn that Needlessly Large Rod to Rabadon's Deathcap now.
11. Let's make Ryle's Crystal Scepter for greater defense.
12. If they are still alive and have magic resist, you know the solution, don't you, let's go for Void Staff, if not, go with whatever item you think you really need to win.

Ranked Game (I'm pretty sure you all play this for win):

1. Start with Boots of Speed with 2 health potions and 1 mana potion (considering you all play with runes, if you don't, don't sweat much about it, everything will turn alright, just play a bit defensive)
2. Afterwards try rushing Kage's Lucky Pick.
3. Next, go with Blasting Wand.
4. Buying Catalyst the Protector is necessity now.
5. Afterwards buy Amplifying Tome and turn it into Ryle's Crystal Scepter asap.
6. Next, upgrade your shoes to Ionian Boots.
7. Search for item called Moonflair Spellblade. Don't sweat it. You will sell this later on.
8. Buying Rabadon's Deathcap is necessity as well.
9. Afterwards upgrade Catalyst the Protector to Rod of Ages.
10. Sell your Moonflair Spellblade now. You should have used it only for 10 minutes tops. It was just a replacement.
11. Now shop for Will of the Ancient.
12. In the end, sell Kage's Lucky Pick as it served you well and buy armor or magic resistance item. If I may recommend go for Frozen Heart or Banshee's Veil (don't worry it's built from Catalyst the Protector as Rod of Ages because if you really need this item, buy it! Full item has nothing to do with Rod of Ages). It's also not bad decision to go for Quicksilver Sash if enemies have full and hard cc team. If none of this is needed go for Lich Bane. That will blow roof out of enemies Nexus really quickly. :)

Dominion Build (you will need as much as AP you can get):

1. Start with Blasting Wand and Boots of Speed.
2. Buy Rabadon's asap.
3. Next, get Boots of Swiftness.
4. Now get Void Staff.
5. OK, build Rod of Ages now.
6. Buy Zhonya's Hourglass. You can activate it's effect if you get in pinch but it gives you really nice ability power.
7. Buy another Rabadon's Deathcap. I know what you are all thinking now, this guy is crazy! But that's not true. Rabadon's is OK to stack on Dominion because it's fast-tempo game and you cannot farm Archangel's Staff like you could on PvP.

Proving Grounds (not much different from Dominion's build but let's cover every aspect of builds):

Version 1:

1. Start with Blasting Wand and Amplifying Tome.
2. Build Rabadon's Deathcap.
3. Buy shoes as quickly as you can now. My advice to you is that you build either Mercury's Threads or Ionian Boots. Which ever you like more.
4. Buy Ryle's Crystal Scepter if you are losing. If you are winning go for Mejai's Soulstealer.
5. Whatever your conditions are next thing you need is Void Staff.
6. After that go for another Rabadon's Deathcap.
7. If you were wining go for Ryle's Crystal Scepter now. If you were losing go for Zhonya's Horglass now.

Version 2:

1. Start with Tears of Goddess.
2. Buy Blasting wand.
3. Get Boots of Swiftness.
4. Now go for Rabadon's Deathcap.
5. After all of this you are ready to buy Archangel's Staff and make a good use of it.
6. Now you need something to render enemy targets' armor. Again go for Void Staff.
7. Go for Giant's Belt now and after that upgrade to Ryle's Crystal Scepter.
8. Now you need Lich Bane and you are fully built and you should have no problem winning.

You can always try and mix these builds up and try them at different maps. I think we have explained you today how Ahri works. I really hope you liked it.

Good luck on fields of justice and tryout these builds, you won't regret reading and doing as we said!

Troll Patrol

Redbeard about Season II finals

Last night, Redbeard took in spree of ask me anything on reddit. He answered to many of the questions, but we selected all important things, so here they are:

[ On the availability of VODs ] "Yes - we will be posting the VODs on youtube"

[ On which streaming services will be offered ] "Twitch and Own3D, and users will be able to toggle to their preferred choice"

[ Regarding teams using sound proof equipment or booths ] "We are doing soundproof headsets as opposed to sound proof booths - we like having the players be part of the atmosphere and more engaged with the audience. They will be wearing soundproof headsets, similar to what helicopter pilots wear (no joke)."

[ On when we can expect some sort of an ELO reset ] "October 23rd..."

[ On the time zones being weird for different regions ] "It is very sad that we could not accommodate all three regions (North America, Europe and Asia). Keep in mind this is a live event in the US, so there is really no ideal time."

[ On if the teams were comp'd rooms, travel, and similar expensises for the event ] "Yes - we want to make sure the teams are taken care of for this event. These guys have put in an incredible amount of effort and dedication into our game, and it's the least we can do. We also have some fun stuff lined up for them in between the Playoffs and Finals."
[ On releasing additional tickets  for the World Championship ] "We are trying our best to make some more room in the venue for an additional set of tickets. Stay tuned, we will keep everyone posted. Should have an answer very soon on that."

[ On the Championship Riven icon code ] "The code will be distributed live during the finals"

[ More on the Championship Riven icon code ] "We will have a system where it will be one code, and anyone watching can redeem in redemption period which will immediately follow the broadcast."

[ On the availability of the Championship Riven skin] "It will be temporarily for sale shortly after the Championship...and in all regions."

In the end, he said that we should look at F.A.Q. form time to time and that there will be more information soon to come.

Have fun and good luck on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Mecha Kha'zix and new musician join League of Legends in Kha'zix patch

Two brand new skins have been implemented in last PBE patch. Both of them should be pushed live with Kha'Zix patch.

Skins we are talking about are: Mecha Kha'zix and Pentakill Olaf. Adding Pentakill Olaf to the list, we have 5 characters with pentakill skins now.

Here are the skins:

 Mecha Kha'Zix

Pentakill Olaf


We are proud to present new League of Legends musicians band called "The Pentakills"

This band has been in hiatus for a long time now, but now since the new drummer joined the band, they will play their music all over the world.

We are happy to present you "The Pentakills":
Vocals: Pentakill Karthus (a.k.a. The Deadee S(l)inger)
Bass: Pentakill Yorick (a.k.a. The Controller)
Lead Guitar: Pentakill Mordekaiser (man could he have taken the instrument and name with less characters in; a.k.a. Heavy Musician)
Keyboards: Pentakill Sona (don't mistaken her for princess, she's devilish inside; a.k.a. Boss' Daughter)
Percussion: Pentakill Olaf (new guy in group; a.k.a. The Madman)

They all play under pseudo names. Let's see how they will act in the end. Can you guess the name of their first song?

All the luck in the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

More unconfirmed information about Honor System

Do you remember Honor System we mentioned few days ago? Riot has came up with news that players should be able to apply teammates for being standup players! Unlike reports this should actually improve the game. This is what we got new:

Looks like there are new icons. We were talking about this in the previous post. Looks like that first shield could be Teamwork honor we have told you already about. Second shield is bit mysterious to me but it possibly should be for Friendly honor. Third in line is definitely Helpful honor shield. And for the end we have, ermmm... should I call it the boss of all shields? The fourth one represents Honorable honor. Still, the names of the shields are not defined still. Personally I believe some of the names will be changed.

What's more, we have some things. Let's call 'em doohickeys, cause I have no clue what they represent. They are some sort of badges but I'm not sure they look alike. See for yourselves.

Unlike last picture, doohickeys are ordered differently. First one is the same and possibly (I'm talking about possibilities, how they look like to me) represents Teamwork honor. Second in line represents Helpful honor. Third in line represents Friendly honor. And lastly, forth one representatives Honorable honor.

Their feign is still unknown. In my opinion players will be given these doohickeys so that allies would be able to see who have they had been match made with.

This is still a hunch about the upcoming system. Once we reconfirm everything we will be back with this topic again.

Good luck on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Soraka's Artwork

We will dedicate this post to Soraka's artwork. As all of you might have known by now Riot issued that they will get into reworking Soraka. Finally, after about three months have passed they have finally finished her. I'm really happy that I can show you how she will look like. On the top of the post you have models for hers default skin and for her other two skins. But this is how the skins actually look like:

Default Skin

Dryad Soraka Skin

Divine Soraka Skin

Doesn't she look beautiful now? I cannot wait 'till they release her into live. This is one of better reworks they've done so far. She is still not imported on PBE patch, so for now it's unsure when she will be out.

We are still waiting for Karma's models and skins to be reworked at. As soon as they got reworked, we will immediately notify you!

Have fun on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Kha'zix Champion Spotlight

This is champion spotlight for Kha'Zix. He is pretty tricky champion to play with, but he is really good. He carries the role of the bruiser and is hard to play against. See the spotlight for your selves! If you have any questions about Kha'Zix, comment on this post and we will answer you.

I am really eager to get this character. I think he will get to live servers in some time between Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

Have fun on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Monday, September 24, 2012

Leaked skins from real-life-historical people Warlord Lu Bu and General Zhao Yun

 Left - Lu Bu Jarvan IV, right - Zhao Yun Xin Zhao

Two skins have been leaked by the Chinese League of Legends community. It's as you may see Lu Bu Jarvan and Zhao Yun Xin Zhao. To you who might not know anything about Chinese history I will explain it to you.

Lu Bu and Zhao Yun were military leaders (generals) from period of Three Kingdoms. They can be seen in many games with Chinese battle thematic. Lu Bu was a minor warlord and he was called "Flying General." It's said that Lu Bu was extraordinary horse-rider and archer. On the other hand Zhao Yun has only been military general who served to Liu Bei, a powerful warlord of that time. There are not much historical monuments about Zhao Yun. Though, these two have never met, Lu Bu has died about 50 years before Zhao Yun had been born, they were both great soldiers and both served to Han Dynasty.

I am really looking forward to these skins and I hope they will be available not just for Chinese but for all of us as well. Don't they look cool or what!? :)

Free Champion Rotation - Season 2 - Week 43

This is new champion rotation coming our way! Personally, I think it's good for the beginners but some of the characters like Hecarim, Taric, Nautilus ask for better players to play them.

P.S. Click on the picture to enlarge it. :))

Have fun on the fields of the justice!

Troll Patrol

Honor System

 New system that will have been testing in live for some time is called Honor System. Tempting as it may seem, will it cause trolls to falsely report or will it really improve the game? We will see in future. Stay tuned for more news about this.

P.S. Click on the picture to enlarge it!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


This is Troll Patrol's official blog page. This has been made in entertaining purposes. We will share builds and news about League of Legends with you. Be sure to check in once in a while for new updates on the blog.

Have fun playing!

Troll Patrol