
Monday, October 1, 2012

Discussion: Middle lane tactics

We were sent a lot of questions so we are trying to reply on all of them as fast as we can. Today, Alex joins the discussion.

We have been asked about what is the most important thing to bear in mind when you are playing in middle lane. (sorry about talking nonsense, our people got carried away, a bit)

Owen: Hey, sup guys! So the question we have to answer now was sent by person whose identity I won't tell you! :P So the question goes like this: "I love playing mages but every time I join the queue in ranked I cannot get out from elo hell. There is always someone who fails and I am not able to do anything! People say that if I really want to get out of elo hell I should play jungler or bot ad carry. But I actually stink while playing them! I know to play jungling a bit but I don't like it, I think it is boring! Is there any way to play with mages in elo hell? If there is, I would like if you could give me tips. I know everything is different after I get out of elo hell. Thanks in advance!"

NJ: Rather interesting one.

Alex: You f*cking say that about all the questions! :@

NJ: Haha, yeah, I really do... -.- :)

Owen: Come on, let's chill out a bit and let's not be childish. So let's answer the man his question?

NJ: And what if it is a woman?

Alex: OMG! (headbangs!)

Owen: Come on! Stop goofing around! What's with you today!?

NJ: Just trying to break monotony and make this chat more interesting, but OK, I'd stop goofing around! Still, how do you know it's a man!?

Owen: He signed off with Markus, Italian origin probably? You happy, now you know about the identity of the person, shall you answer the given question or should I?

NJ: Thanks for that! Now we can continue!

Alex: Finally!

NJ: So, Markus, we are glad you sent us the question and we are even more gladder to help you. So, the thing is, playing AP caster is not so great in elo hell if you are playing solo queue. The thing is you cannot be on all the places at the same time. It would be good to either:
a) Leave one of two pre-made people take AP caster instead of you;
b) Get someone of your friends to pre-make with you and play in jungle.
Still, there is one more option if you don't like this, but it includes different playing style and that's why Alex is here.

Alex: Shush, my drama series is starting!

Owen: Wow, looks like he's bigger troller then you, NJ.

NJ: Hardly! :D

Owen: Alex, you've been called to explain, do your job.

Alex: OK, OK... Swag off! I'll do it.

NJ: Thank you!

Alex: Markus, what is left is option c, personally I love that option! Don't give up on playing AP casters! The thing is that you should forget about your own lane. If you see that your team is not progressing well, let enemy feed on your lane, you will just need to come from time to time to defend it. If he destroys your turret it's no big deal. Don't sweat it! You will need to take:

1. Teleport, goodly combined with Exhaust, Heal.

Owen: Goodly? Really?

Alex: Don't interrupt me!

Owen: Cranky baby! :D

Alex: Where was I, oh yes, sorry about my friends. So:

1. Taking teleport is really good thing because you can come out of the blue and you could caught enemy off-guard.
2. Until you get out of elo hell get good harassers like Cassiopeia, Malzahar, etc. One other choice is to get characters that have either global or big range ultimatives (Lux, Ziggs, Karthus, etc.). This way you will secure help to your team even from distance.
3. Bear in mind that you should try and gank as much as you can. Doing that, try and secure kills. If the lane is warded, go through jungle, if you cannot, start anti-jungling or as some people call it counter-jungling. You can disable their team as well if you interfere with their jungler. Middle lane shouldn't be main thing to base on. Base on helping your team.

Owen: He must have forgotten that if you are incapable of doing this you will probably lose if your team is not good. If you let their AP caster feed and not their AD carry you will be in rather funny-hearing advantage.

Alex: That's true. If it's not possible to stop middle lane enemy getting fed, don't do that. Just don't let their solo top character or theirs carry feed! Sometimes it's necessary not to let their jungler feed as well (if it's character like Olaf or Lee Sin, etc.). There is not too much about this. Try to support your team if you really need, if you don't try harassing your enemy out of middle lane and feeding on minions. That way you will disable one of usually theirs three main carries which is something. If everyone does their job good, you won't lose, if not, try on helping your team and try to disable two of their carries even if their carry-caster gets fed. That's basically it.

NJ: One more important thing, Alex! Speed!

Alex: Good reminder! If you are helping your team or counter-jungling try to be as fast as you can. Usually you should get Boots of Swiftness or if needed Boots of Mobility. It might sound strange, but it isn't actually. If you are not doing that, you will not need basically nothing more than basic Boots of Speed up 'till 20th minute when usually team fights and chasings start.

NJ: Chasings? I really love the things you do with words. It can be hilarious sometimes, if you find their inter-meaning. :D

Alex: Haha, yes!

Owen: So, I hope that answers your question, Markus! If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us again! We'd be delighted to help you any time you need it!

All the best on fields of justice!
Troll Patrol

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