
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Introducing: Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard guide

Once more, we will introduce you with another jungling character who is usually a number 1 pick.

This one guide is pretty much similar to guide we've presented about Sejuani. The two are built in similar ways and played similarly.

Skarner has been played a lot since his release. People like him because of his durability and ganking potential for securing kills that he gives to his teammates. Not long time passed, since his release, and Skarner became one of the most favourite champions to many players.

Skarner's biggest disadvantage is that his early game is not that enviably. He's not too strong and that's why people need to learn how to deal up with that.

As many characters, Skarner can be played as a support, but is that really what you want him to do? Skarner should be the one jungling. His abilities make him great assassin, but even greater initiator. His ultimate ability is absolutely unique. Duration on it can help you destroy enemy in a split second. Skarner can be counter-jungling pretty well.

Summoner spells:

Flash is good for setting up ganks.

Smite is really important for the jungling. Skarner cannot jungle without it.

Replacements for Flash:

Exhaust is spell that can help you in team fights. It's good to carry it, sometimes.

Ignite will help you finish off the enemies.

Cleanse - Get it in ranked if you see that enemies have strong Crowd Control effects; you can pick it in blind pick as well, but it can be a risky pick sometimes. :)


Energize (Passive) Basic attacks lower the cooldowns of Skarner's abilities by 1 second against champions and 0.5 seconds against non-champions.

Explanation: You should basic hit as much as possible due the effect this passive ability provides.

Crystal Slash Skarner lashes out with his claws, dealing 25/40/55/70/85 (+30% of attack damage) physical damage to all nearby enemies and charging himself with Crystal Energy for 5 seconds. If he casts Crystal Slash again while empowered by Crystal Energy, he deals 24/36/48/60/72 (+40% of ability power) bonus magic damage and slows all targets hit by 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45% for 2 seconds.

Cooldown 3.5 seconds
Cost 15 mana
Range 350

Explanation: This is your key damaging spell. It will allow you to clear up the jungle really quickly. Furthermore, it will damage all the enemies in it's range. It has a small AoE range, but it's good for damaging multiple enemies who are close together. Try to have this spell empowered all the times. Start with this spell on level one. Max it parallelly with your second ability.

Crystalline Exoskeleton Skarner receives a shield of 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+60% of ability power) for up to 6 seconds. While the shield persists his 15 / 17 / 19 / 21 / 23% movement speed and 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% attack speed are increased.

Cooldown 14 seconds
Cost 60 mana

Explanation: This is your key defense and your ghostlike ability spell. Take a first point of it on level three and max it parallelly with your first spell.

Fracture Skarner summons a blast of crystalline energy which deals 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+70% of ability power) damage to enemies struck and marks them for 6 seconds. Any further damage dealt to marked targets by Skarner will allow him to consume the mark to heal himself for 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+30% of ability power). Subsequent marks consumed will heal for 50% of the last.

Cooldown 10 seconds
Cost 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 mana
Range 600

Explanation: This is the spell that will provide you with healing. This spell is only important early on as it will provide you with healing. Once you get fed,  you'll find it only as a somewhat damaging spell, nothing more. Take a first point of it on level 3 and max it lastly.

Impale Skarner suppresses an enemy champion for 1.75 seconds and deals 100 / 150 / 200 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to it. During this time, Skarner can move freely and will drag his helpless victim around with him. When the effect ends, Skarner's target will be dealt 100 / 150 / 200 (+50% per ability power) additional damage.

Cooldown 110 / 100 / 90 seconds
Cost 100 / 125 / 150 mana
Range 100

Explanation: This is the ultimate ability everyone likes. It will help you control your targets path. Targets won't be able to escape you. There's no spell or item that can actually counter this ultimate, so don't worry if someone has Cleanse, Quicksilver Sash, or is like Gangplank and can remove all the disabilities from him / herself. Only things that can merely counter this spell of yours are tenacity items, but they will only counter the duration of it.

Jungle Skarner:


Version 1:

boots-of-speed health-potion3
Boots of speed, 3 health potion

It's good to start like this because you are not that quick at the start of the game. Some people dislike starting like this, though we highly recommend this start, but if you are one of those people you can even start like shown below.

Version 2:

regrowth-pendant health-potion
Regrowth Pendant, 1 health potion

This won't provide you with speed, but it will provide you with durability when jungling. If starting like this you'll get a Philosopher's Stone. There are few more ways to start, keep looking below.

Version 3:

Ruby's Crystal

If you feel you'd need more health than mobility, start with this item. You will buy Heart of Gold first if starting with this item.

Version 4:

Cloth armor, 5 health potions

Even though you won't be playing AD, this is not a bad start. This will help you stay in jungle more than you'd be able with any build shown before. But keep in mind that this is only the good start if you don't have any runes at all.

Early game goals:

Note of caution: Depending on how you started you'd go:

Version 1 and Version 3:

Heart of Gold

This should be your first item. It gives you the gold and health.

Philosopher's Stone

This will give you mana regain and health regain. Furthermore, you'd be accumulating more gold.

Boots should go next!

(after we've explained all the versions we'd go back to what boots to buy)

Version 2:

Philosopher's Stone

Heart of Gold

Then complete boots!

Version 4:

This is definitely the most different version 'till now.

Heart of Gold

Afterwards, you will buy boots!

Now you will go for...


Which boots to buy:

There are three options to chose from.

Mercury's Threads

These are to be bought against heavy Crowd Control enemy team.

Ninja Tabi

These are to be bought against physical bruiser enemy team.

Berserker's Graves

These are to be mainly bought. You could really use more attack speed and these boots provide that. You will put your passive to better use with more attack speed.

Middle game goals:

It won't matter how you've started, your middle game will be the same.

Shurelya's Revery

You won't be just tank jungler as we've said, you will even be supporting your teammates well. :)

Warden's Mail

This will give you tankiness you could really use and you will be one step closer to obtaining Randui's Omen, but we won't upgrade it until the late game comes. :)

Bilgewater Cutlass

We'll use it later on to upgrade it into something more stronger, but for now, get this item only.

Late game items:

Randui's Omen

It's finally time to obtain this item as well. :) Merge your Warden's Mail and Heart of Gold into this.

Situational items:
Against hard physical damage enemy team:


You should buy this item next if you are having problems with physical damage dealers. It'll make you even more tankier and durable in team battles. If this is not the case, we recommend obtaining Force of Nature first.

Sunfire Cape
Sunfire Cape

Buy this item only if you want to have health and more AoE damage. You don't need it early though. You can go after Force of Nature first, then for the Sunfire Cape.

Against hard magical damage enemy team:

Force of Nature

This is the item that will give you more health regain and magic resistance. Furthermore, you'd be given movement speed.

Because of the confusion that may have happened because of too much changes possible we will show you how your build should look like in the end.

Last item:

Hextech Gunbalde

It's finally time to merge your Bilgewater into this. Don't forget to use it's effect though.

Note: We will be using only one shoes in all of builds below but as we've already explained above you can get any of three shoes from the list. This way, it's easier than writing three different solutions based on which shoes you've chosen.

Complete builds version 1:

Against hard physical team:

ninja-tabi shurelyas-reverie randuins-omen thornmail force-of-nature

Ninja Tabi, Shurelya's Reveri, Randui's Omen, Thornmail, Force of Nature, Hextech Gunblade.

Against hard magical damage team:

mercurys-treads shurelyas-reverie randuins-omen force-of-nature Sunfire Cape

Mercury's Threads, Shurelya's Revery, Randui's Omen, Force of Nature, Sunfire Cape, Hextech Gunblade.

Note: We recommend obtaining Sunfire Cape if the enemy team hasn't good hard physical damage dealers.

Note of caution: Order of the items in the complete builds version 1 is based on the order you will be buying those items.

Situational Items:

Note: These are the items to go for instead of Thornmail / Sunfire Cape combo.

Trinity Force

This is the item if you want more slow, damage, speed, attack speed, everything.

If you want to have more damage, go for this item.

Guardian Angel

Obtaining this item will give you protection from physical, magical damage dealers and it will also provide you with rebirth function.

If you can die easily from any kind of damage, go for this item. It will also make you a bigger tank.

Complete build version 2:

This is how your build will look like if you've decided not to go for Thornmail / Sunfire Cape combo:

Bigger assassin role:

ninja-tabi shurelyas-reverie randuins-omen force-of-nature

Ninja Tabi, Shurelya's Revery, Randui's Omen, Force of Nature, Trinity Force, Hextech Gunblade.

Note: We recommend Ninja Tabi shoes in this case, though you don't have to have them.

Stronger tank role:

mercurys-treads shurelyas-reverie randuins-omen force-of-nature

Mercury's Threads, Shurelya's Revery, Randui's Omen, Force of Nature, Guardian Angel, Hextech Gunblade.

Note of caution: As said previously, we used only one type of shoes in build. You can use any three we said. It's your personal choice. Furthermore, in this complete build version 2 we've ordered the items in the way in which you are going to buy them.

How to jungle:

When jungling with Skarner, start with wolves. Use your 'q' spell to damage them all at the same time and keep basic hitting as much as possible so you can use your 'q' spell over and over again. Ask for few shoots from your teammates. Afterwards, ask your teammates to help you get blue buff. After that go with the usual route, wraths, golems, return to shop, then go for the wolves, red, etc. Gank in the mean time.

Also, tell the one playing mid that he should always get wraths. You shouldn't take them. Let him get more farm this way.


You can gank at level 3, but optimal ganks are at level 6. Energetize your 'q' spell and walk behind the enemy. Use it to slow him / her down. Use your 'w' spell to keep chasing the enemy. Constantly land basic attacks and use your 'q' spell to slow him / her even more.

If you have your ultimate off cooldown, there are two ways to gank. First situation can be that your allies are too far behind. Walk to the target with your 'w' spell active and use Impale to drag him to your teammates. After the Impale ends use your 'q' few times and slow the enemy down.

Another case is if your teammates are close to the enemy. Energetize your 'q' and walk behind the enemy. Then, slow him, after you see him getting away, and he'll survive, use your Impale to secure the kill for your teammates.

Creating team fights:

When playing with Skarner you can walk right up to your targets, tank everything and impale one of them out of the battle. Let your teammates finish him / her off. Impale one of their strongest carries who can be easily killed. Afterwards, you created 4 v 5 situation for the enemy. Enemies will have to defend. Initiate once again by walking up to them. Tank the turret and keep on constantly hitting the enemies. Your team can finish them off, but so can you.

You can use your Hextech Gunblade to slow down targets. You can catch them up with your 'w' skill. It's really good tactics. You can use Hextech Gunblade to secure the kills, as well.

We wish you all the good luck on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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