
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ahri's guide and build

Today we will make an Ahri build guidance. We will make builds alphabetically unless any of you request some specific build.

Firstly, we will describe what is Ahri like a character. You may disagree with us, but we are writing from our personal and professional opinions.

Ahri is ranged AP caster specialized in harassing from great distances. She is utterly superb character considering her range. She can be played either aggressively or defensively but in either way she is good pick. There are not too many characters that can harass her out of the lane, but even when you need to play against them, you can switch your tactics drastically so you gain favor over the battlefield.

Her skills make her like dominatrix. She's able to kill the enemy champion that push too much and open up, but as well to that she is able to feed on minions and make her enemy go back into base really often. She's also good in team fights which makes her great comrade. She has good escaping mechanism which makes her hard to kill. Despite all of this she has week points too.

Even though she's all that, she can be week, so watch about her disadvantages in the battlefield even though they aren't that big to notice. She hasn't got good offensive damage at all. Her output damage with her skills is low which can make the battle agonizing and frustrating. I have already told you she's good for harassing and killing, but now I am contradicting it. How's that possible? Here's way! She might not be good for killing in one blow like bruiser AP casters, but she can kill and make enemy to think twice about battling her. You need to constantly harass the enemy champion with your first skill. The trick is to lend damage from it twice. If you succeed doing that you overturned battle in your favor. You can defend or secure twice hitting with first skill as well if you lend your third skill. Combining her skills in close range you can own your enemy. If you cannot own him in close combat, you can always harass from the distance. If you haven't realize during this explanation I have told you about her other disadvantage. Even though her first and third skill have good range, she needs to get to close range to kill the enemy. Doing that badly may result in her being killed. Third disadvantage is that she has two skill shots. They are like none other character have. They are pretty slow so it's hard to embrace them your own.

Enough of that, let's talk about her skills more:

Passive: Essence Theft - Whenever an enemy is hit by any of Ahri's spells Ahri gains one charge. She can gain maximum three charges per cast spell. All spells can give you up to three charges except the third one because that's the only single hit spell that's why you should focus on making all the possible charges with your spells because once you reach nine charges another effect kicks in. When you reach nine charges your next spell heals you for 35% of damage you dealt with your spell. That said, it's best to use passive with your first skill as it is your biggest output damage. It's also a good thing to have in mind that you should wait more minions on the ground so you increase healing as well. If you don't need to heal, try not casting anymore of your spells. If you need to cast them, then fire away! :)

1st skill: Orb of Deception - This is Ahri's biggest output damage as I have mentioned ten times by now. This spell deals damage to any enemy unit hit. Important thing said was that it doesn't matter how much enemy units were damaged by spell, the damage amount stays constant. What's more good thing to have in mind is that at the end of the range orb will come back to you damaging any enemy unit in its path for same damage as before. Damage never changes so that's the reason why this is Ahri's main damage spell. It can stack up to three charges despite it moves two times. One important thing is that first fire of the orb is direct, but one ricocheting moves towards your character so it's path can be changed. You can always counter enemy's constant movement and damage him this way. Mana needed for usage 70/75/80/85/90 per level. Cooldown on spell is 7 seconds on all levels. Damage output of this skill is: 40/65/90/115/140 per level.

2nd skill: Fox Fire - This skill has small range. Activating this skill Ahri gains three fire bolts that will attack nearest enemy or enemies. If fire bolts hit same enemy twice or three
times during the activation damage for second and third bolt are reduced by 50%. This skill is good to use once you get in close range against your enemy. It's good if you can caught enemy when there are no minions around so you can hit him with all of your fire bolts to maximize the damage. Bare this in mind that you cannot control where fire bolts will go, but they primarily target the closest enemies. Mana cost: 60 on all levels. Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds per level. Damage output is: 40/65/90/115/115 per level.

3rd skill: Charm - This skill is one of her helping escaping abilities and one of her main skills for helping killing the enemy before he even can harm you. Enemies hit with this skill are taunted for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds per level and walk towards Ahri. Mana cost: 50/65/80/95/110 per level. Cooldown: 12 seconds on all levels. Damage output: 60/90/120/150/180 per level.

Ultimative: Spirit Rush - Ahri dashes forward damaging up to three enemies each time it is cast. It can be cast three times before Spirit Rush goes on cooldown. Dashing range of the skill is slightly bigger than flash's range so you can say this skill is her ultimative defensive, running away and being chicken skill, and her good damage output skill for team battles. My advice to you is that you save this skill for when it will need to comes in handy and to try and dash through walls so you can escape chasing enemies. Mana cost: 100 on all levels. Cooldown: 110/95/80 seconds per level. Damage output: 80/125/165 per level.

After this all checked out we can throw in the builds and tactics!

Main thing for Ahri is to be built tanky-ap so she can cover up for all of her disadvantages! Here's the build we can use:

Normal Game 5v5 (guessing you play this for rejoice and fun):

1. Start with D-Ring.
2. Secondly buy Boots of Speed.
3. Thirdly don't try to build anything more than Boots of Speed so let's get building some AP. Go with Blasting Wand.
4. This will be the time of the game when you need to buy Giant's Belt and it's necessity.
5. Try to rush Ryle's Crystal Scepter.
6. Starting team battles now you will need to upgrade your shoes. Buy Ionian Boots if you think your cooldowns will get better of you but in any other way I prefer to go Mecruy's Threads with her so I can decrease duration of the crowd control effects over me.
7. After this you will need much ability power. So try buying Needlessly Large Road asap.
8. What's more don't go in combining Rabadon's Deathcap yet! Get Catalyst the Protector and rush Rod of Ages - you won't regret it!
9. Now you can build Rabadon's Deathcap when your defense is really good and your AP is not that bad as well.
10. OK, now you should be more than ready to beat anyone you encounter, but building Void Staff will only make you better against anyone who tries to build magic resistance to counter you. If no one builds any magic resistance, don't spend money on it. If that happens go for Morello's Evil Tome.
Remember! If enemy team has annoying healer like AP Yi, Mundo, etc. build Morello's as quick as you can, but don't forget about your defense as well!
11. Once you have everything set you can now focus on building an supporting item like: Will of the Ancient - if you have many APs, Frozen Heart - If you have no support, Guardian Angel - support yourself. :))) Sixth item should always be optional, dependably on how the game goes on.

Normal Game 3v3 (guessing you play this for rejoice and fun as well):

1. Start with D-Ring.
2. Like last build go for Boots of Speed.
3. Now go for Blasting Wand.
4. Let's build more AP and AD output. Go for Sheen.
5. Now let's get tenkier with Giant's Belt.
6. Upgrade Blasting Wand and Sheen to Lich Bane.
7. Now, let's get Catalyst the Protector.
8. Hmph, we really need AP now. Build Needlessly Large Rod.
9. OK, we are slow as snail for this part of the battle. Go for Ionian Boots of Lucidity. We really need cooldown reduction for this map.
10. Turn Catalyst the Protector to Rod of Ages now.
11. OK, let's turn that Needlessly Large Rod to Rabadon's Deathcap now.
11. Let's make Ryle's Crystal Scepter for greater defense.
12. If they are still alive and have magic resist, you know the solution, don't you, let's go for Void Staff, if not, go with whatever item you think you really need to win.

Ranked Game (I'm pretty sure you all play this for win):

1. Start with Boots of Speed with 2 health potions and 1 mana potion (considering you all play with runes, if you don't, don't sweat much about it, everything will turn alright, just play a bit defensive)
2. Afterwards try rushing Kage's Lucky Pick.
3. Next, go with Blasting Wand.
4. Buying Catalyst the Protector is necessity now.
5. Afterwards buy Amplifying Tome and turn it into Ryle's Crystal Scepter asap.
6. Next, upgrade your shoes to Ionian Boots.
7. Search for item called Moonflair Spellblade. Don't sweat it. You will sell this later on.
8. Buying Rabadon's Deathcap is necessity as well.
9. Afterwards upgrade Catalyst the Protector to Rod of Ages.
10. Sell your Moonflair Spellblade now. You should have used it only for 10 minutes tops. It was just a replacement.
11. Now shop for Will of the Ancient.
12. In the end, sell Kage's Lucky Pick as it served you well and buy armor or magic resistance item. If I may recommend go for Frozen Heart or Banshee's Veil (don't worry it's built from Catalyst the Protector as Rod of Ages because if you really need this item, buy it! Full item has nothing to do with Rod of Ages). It's also not bad decision to go for Quicksilver Sash if enemies have full and hard cc team. If none of this is needed go for Lich Bane. That will blow roof out of enemies Nexus really quickly. :)

Dominion Build (you will need as much as AP you can get):

1. Start with Blasting Wand and Boots of Speed.
2. Buy Rabadon's asap.
3. Next, get Boots of Swiftness.
4. Now get Void Staff.
5. OK, build Rod of Ages now.
6. Buy Zhonya's Hourglass. You can activate it's effect if you get in pinch but it gives you really nice ability power.
7. Buy another Rabadon's Deathcap. I know what you are all thinking now, this guy is crazy! But that's not true. Rabadon's is OK to stack on Dominion because it's fast-tempo game and you cannot farm Archangel's Staff like you could on PvP.

Proving Grounds (not much different from Dominion's build but let's cover every aspect of builds):

Version 1:

1. Start with Blasting Wand and Amplifying Tome.
2. Build Rabadon's Deathcap.
3. Buy shoes as quickly as you can now. My advice to you is that you build either Mercury's Threads or Ionian Boots. Which ever you like more.
4. Buy Ryle's Crystal Scepter if you are losing. If you are winning go for Mejai's Soulstealer.
5. Whatever your conditions are next thing you need is Void Staff.
6. After that go for another Rabadon's Deathcap.
7. If you were wining go for Ryle's Crystal Scepter now. If you were losing go for Zhonya's Horglass now.

Version 2:

1. Start with Tears of Goddess.
2. Buy Blasting wand.
3. Get Boots of Swiftness.
4. Now go for Rabadon's Deathcap.
5. After all of this you are ready to buy Archangel's Staff and make a good use of it.
6. Now you need something to render enemy targets' armor. Again go for Void Staff.
7. Go for Giant's Belt now and after that upgrade to Ryle's Crystal Scepter.
8. Now you need Lich Bane and you are fully built and you should have no problem winning.

You can always try and mix these builds up and try them at different maps. I think we have explained you today how Ahri works. I really hope you liked it.

Good luck on fields of justice and tryout these builds, you won't regret reading and doing as we said!

Troll Patrol

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