
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Katarina's guide and build

This guide and build has been requested by community. That said, today we will cover champion: Katarina.

So like for Ahri's guide we will firstly explain what type of character Katarina is.

Katarina is AP melee fighter. She utilizes in damaging few enemies at the same time. She is extraordinary character, but I dislike her personally. Anyway, though people call her noobish champion she definitely isn't that. Even though she is not difficult to play with, it can be pretty trick what to do with her. She is good for controlling lanes and can be both played as AP caster or AD bruiser.

Playing with her can be a bit hard first few levels. In the beginning of the game she's dramatically disadvantaged because she is melee type of character (this does not set in if she plays against some other melee character). Dependably on what type of character she plays against that changes her game-style.

Playing against ranged characters will result in capping first skill as soon as possible. Against range characters, specially against harassers, she needs range and damage that is given to her by her first ability (will explain it a bit clearer later). Playing against melee enemies will result in capping her second ability as soon as possible.

Katarina is really dependable on range. She cannot fight unless she closes up to her target. Her casting damage is not enough in early levels to win. On the other hand she comes pretty handy in team battles as high damage multiple target caster.

Let's talk about her pros for a bit now. We might have mentioned few things so far and I will start by repeating and explaining them in details.

Katarina can target multiple enemies at the same time which makes her good teammate. She is type of carry that doesn't focus on single target. She can poke from distance or battle in close combat. She is all packed in one. What's more, her third skill can be used as escaping mechanism or gap closing skill. Furthermore, more she kills more she can simultaneously cast spells over and over again thanks to her superbly made passive ability. Anyway, one of the best things is that hers spells don't use any form of energy whatsoever (energy, mana, health, etc.).

Katarina has a lot of disadvantages as well. She is hardly to do well against good Crowd Control made team. Her ultimative ability is in the most of danger of being cancelled and as it is her most useful tool for multiple damage, it mustn't fail! Countermeasures that can improve in your ultimative not being cancelled is paying attention to details. You mustn't use your ultimative if all of the enemies have their Crowd Control effect of of cooldown. What's more, while being in frenzy mode with your ultimative always know that you can be approached easily or killed instantly. While in frenzy she is most harmful as it can get. One more disadvantage to her is that she is melee caster. Theirs style pretty much defers from others.

Enough of her advantages and disadvantages, let's talk about her skills now. (The images we used are the images before remake was applied. Only second skill has the new image)

Passive: Voracity - After killing or assisting in enemy's killing Katarina's skills that are on cooldown have their cooldown reduced by 15 seconds.

1st skill: Bouncing Blade - Katarina throws her blade that damages up to 2/3/4/5/6 enemies per spell level. After each hit enemy damage of the spell is reduced by 10%. This is one of her most important weapons for battling against ranged characters because she can poke them from distance and don't get caught up in enemies spells. Playing defensive against ranged character at about first eight levels is usually important because her damage at that time usually cannot correspond with another caster's one. Later, this item can be used to damage defensively playing opponents. Damage output:  60/95/130/165/200 (+0.45) per level.

2nd skill: Sinister Steel - Katarina whirls her daggers damaging all enemies in area. If she damages enemy champion she gains burst of speed for one second (12/20/28/36.5/44% movement speed per level). Damage output: 40/80/120/160/200 (+0.6) (+0.25) magic damage per level. This is one of the best spells that she can use in close combat. Because of that, maxing it first against melee enemies shouldn't be optimal. :)

3rd skill: Shumpo - Katarina flashes on target's location and gaining 15% of reduced incoming damage against her for next three seconds. Katarina can both use Shumpo on allied unit (good escaping mechanism) or against enemy unit (good gap closing skill). If she hits enemy unit she deals: 60/85/110/135/160 (+0.4) magic damage per level.

Ultimative: Death Lotus - Katarina goes into frenzy state throwing daggers at tops speed and damaging up to three enemy champions. Damaging any champion will cause bleeding which would cause in 50% reduced enemy healing for next three seconds. Output damage: 400/500/600 (+3) (+1.75) magic damage per level. Tip: I have mentioned while ago to wait for an opening and to be cautious when landing this skill. Hide in bushes untill team fight starts. After enemies have exhausted their Crowd Control resources enter in fight with Shumpo and using Death Lotus to deal as much as damage as you can and get as much as kills as you can. Another good option is to fire Bouncing Blades just as you land with Shumpo on your target, before activating your ultimative ability.

 After we've covered all of this up, let's turn to builds.

Believe it or not, Katarina should be mainly played as AP caster with solid AD damage and lots of health. So let's see how to do that:

Normal/Ranked 5v5 Game (in both you can play pretty much the same):

1. Start with Boots of Speed and 3 health potion (don't worry if you don't have runes).
2. Farm on minions as much as you can and poke your enemy. After you get enough gold go back to base and buy Blasting Wand.
3. After some time passes go to store again and buy Ionian Boots of Lucidity. She could actually use that cooldown that those shoes give.
4. After this try getting Amplifying Tome.
5. Now go for Giant's Belt.
6. You know what goes next, don't you? I think I have idea what you've been thinking about so I'll just say - We need Needlessly Large Rod now!
7. Now you must be doubted what I am going to tell, what's next. Is it Rabadon's or Ryle's Crystal Scepter. Neither actually. Now what we need is Sheen to give us more damage in close combats.
8. OK, now we filled build up and we must merge items into something. We will. Now get Ryle's Crystal Scepter as it is time to have more healths.
9. Now, we should be focusing on more AP so we will need Rabadon's.
10. OK, buy Hextech Revolver.
11. Buy Lich Bane. Now you have all the AD strength needed.
12. So in this moment there are different schools of playing Katarina. Some say that it is better to buy Will of the Ancient, some say that it is better to get Hextech Gunblade. You see, I support both, so this will definitely be your choice. And how to make it? I'll explain. If you are loosing you will need Will of the Ancients because it is cheaper. If you can obtain as much as gold as Hextech Gunblade requires, than get him and don't forget to use it's passive ability.
13. OK, we are down to our last item. What could it be... Hmph! I am not sure. This item depends on what kind of game you are playing and because I am no predictor I cannot say it for sure but I can point you at some directions. You can get Banshee's Veil if you need to protect yourself against any Crowd Control which they might be saving for you, or you could go with Thornmall if you are constantly being focused by enemies AD carry. It's not bad choice to get Warmog's as well if you need durability with healths.

With this build you will need to constantly switch your targets and lower theirs health so you can just go on with finishing them. Not even tankiest person will survive Katarina who is built this way. Don't forget that Lich Bane gives her lots of damage with basic attack so try to maximize your opportunities for dealing basic damages while Lich Bane is active.

Images of mentioned items:

Dominion/Proving Grounds Build:

1. Start with Boots of Speed and Blasting Wand.
2. Upgrade Boots of Speed to Boots of Swiftness.
3. Get Needlessly Large Rod and merge it with Blasting Wand when the opportunity shows up into Rabadon's.
4. Get Giant's Belt.
5. Get Blasting Wand again.
6. Merge Giant's Belt and Blasting Wand into Ryle's Crystal Scepter.
7. Buy items for Hextech Gunblade and create it as quick as possible.
8. Get two Blasting Wands.
9. Use one Blasting Wand to create Abyssal's Scepter.
10. Use another Blasting Wand into another Rabadon's. Stacking Rabadon's is not that good but on Dominion specially you don't have time to stack mana. What's more Katarina cannot use Archangel's Staff, Rod of Ages and similar so building two Rabadon's on her is not that bad choice. Do you get my point?

Normal/Ranked 3v3 Game:

1. Start with Doran's Shield.
2. Buy Boots of Speed.
3. Get Amplifying Tome.
4. Get Blasting Wand.
5. Merge Blasting Wand and Amplifying Tome into Void Staff.
6. Get Giant's Belt.
7. Now go for Needlessly Large Rod.
8. Let's get shoes. On this type of map get Sorcerer's Shoes.
9. OK, now we need to get Ryle's Crystal Scepter as soon as you can.
10. Buying Lich Bane on this map is not bad as well, so get Sheen but don't merge it into it's final state yet!
11. Now buy Rabadon's.
12. OK, now's the time to get Lich Bane.
13. Sell your Doran's Shield and buy game-needing item.

Try out builds and tell us what you think. You can always try to gather up pieces from everyone and make your ultimative build. If you come up to one, contact us and we will publish it. If you don't like something that we used, tell us in comment, or if you don't understand comment on post again and we will see how to help you to understand better.

Good luck on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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