
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Story of Black Claver, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Bloodthirster (with useful game information as well)

Hello guys, Troll Patrol here. For past days League of Legends' professionals and I have argued in which was better, Youmuu's Ghostblade or Black Claver. Through the process we analyzed Bloodthirster in this as well. Here is what our conclusions are!

Even though we all supported different theories there was a shock I hadn't expected. Let me tell you a funny story - if you came here only for the fact, there will be conclusion at the end of the post, but if you are here to relax, then read the story, I promise it will be worth your time. :))

Over hills and far away, in lands which location remains unknown 'till this very day, three servants lived. They were scattered all over the lands. Nations fought for territory. Rule existed, one who size the land shall make everyone he encounters in the lands do his bidding. Many artifacts were located there. None of them had choice but to try and defend their lands. If they would fail they would be given to aristocracy and new land will be formed. And peasants would be treated like slaves. Firstly, nemo* knew what kind of power will these items bring. People thought that they will guarantee them wins and they were right, for a while.
They all thought they are the strongest ones there are and no one has balls to oppose them, but once two the same encountered they realized they aren't the only one with power. Soon afterwards, every country has made it's own list about glorious items they had encountered. They didn't know how, but they realized when they take these mystic items in their hands, they are being controlled, but no one minded that because they were given amazing power.
Time will pass and wars will continue, artifacts that gave proved most useful will be kept and those that weren't would be tossed aside. People of that time only knew about force, none of them was tactical with weapons carried. First people who realize about the importance of combining artifacts will prove to be strongest on field. They weren't numerous but still, they existed in every country. For the time being bloodshed continued. All nations wanted to posses artifacts that another nation posses. That's when first cloning facilities have been born.
Time passed and cloned artifacts became more likely to exchange the real ones. After a while they were perfected to that way that you couldn't tell difference between real and cloned one.
Two sides had been established then. Both consisting of few nations. There was blue and purple fractions. They all had their own goals. So in the end, when bloodshed was no longer possible, when there were no people to kill anymore because almost everyone had already died wars stopped and artifacts were thrown into oblivion.
Peace was established but it was not destined to be long living. Political started arguing and soon war was coming again, artifacts needed to be located again.
Both fractions were losing the war so they decided to organize specific league that will have few stadiums were best of the best will fought, it was necessary that no more blood of innocent get spilled again.
Few artifacts were the main ones: Lord Blood Thirsty popularly called in everyday language - The Bloodthirster, Count World Consisting of Infinity Edges, shortened called just as Infinity Edge, Blade of the Samurai Youmuu's Ghost, also known as Youmuu's Ghost Blade and the last one was Blacc Carver, mistakenly once called Black Claver by some drunk guy and soon afterwards no one knew it's real name.
Of all items, Black Claver was the saddest one, even though he was know to everyone usually no one took him into his hands. But than something happened, while in practice, genetically self-modified monster calling himself Doctor Mundo has taken Black Claver to purposely lose to young boy he was teaching. Many of his friends watched and couldn't believe how strong Black Claver was. It could parry one of the strongest artifacts - Bloodthirster. People were shocked. They did investigations and came to one conclusion: Black Claver is as good as Bloodthirster and is as good as empty Youmuu's Ghostblade, but it still couldn't parry Ghostblade who's energy was fully filled. In the end they realized that they had been wronged so they started figuring out how to use unused items and came to amazing combinations.
From that day on, no artifact felt lonely and sad anymore. All have became equal. In the end they were given new name - items - instead of artifacts and they all lived happily ever after. :)

So now that story is over I'd like to share with you what we fount out:

Black Claver ~ Bloodthirster;
Black Claver > Inactive Youmuu's Ghostblade;
Black Claver < Active Youmuu's Ghostblade.

So in the end, both items are really good, you just need to know how to use them. Strategically and statistically all of these three items can parry each other. What's written slightly before this sentence is how items can parry each other when two same characters have the same build but only one item changes. This is really good to know as far as we heard that Riot wants to make new way of building, possibly similar to Smite's. If you are not familiar with the game I will tell you how it goes. You can only buy one item once! You cannot duplicate your items. If that goes thru in season three this will be really useful information to all of us. Try and practicing so that you can beat anyone who is not used to new system

Explanation of words:
*nemo (lat. no one)

All the best on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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