
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mordekaiser guide & build

This guide and build has been brought to you by SKuLL from Montenegrin community. Troll Patrol did only a bit of an editing on it. :)

Mordekaiser is a tanky AP carry, and situationally he can play role of an off-tank .However, he cannot do a tank's job because he has zero Crowd Control effects, which I dislike! He is a really strong champion and doesn't have many counters if you play him smartly. He is one hell of a champion! He has some problems though. The main one is that he needs to rely on a clone provided by his ultimate, the second one is the fact that he's easily kitable but that is fixable by getting Ryle's Crystal Scepter.

Mordekaiser is somewhat weak early game,so you shouldn't get too cocky and try to kill your enemy straight at level one.You should try to go top, but if that lane is taken you can go mid as well.You should last hit and poke with E whenever it is up.You can try to poke with your Q,but i would not recommend that, since it will probably hit minions and you don't want to push your lane until you get your ultimate.
After you get about ~1400 gold,buy a Ruby's Crystal ,and Sorcerer's Shoes with two wards if possible. Now go back to your lane and ward brush and baron if you are at top, or the two bushes from left and right side if you are playing middle lane. Now you want to push your lane as much as possible to force their jungler to come to gank. After he comes go near your tower, but not too close so that you pull them back as much as possible. Now use your ultimate and ignite on the lowest enemy champion. If possible try to go for ranged clone as it is better for chasing. Don't use ultimate on the jungler or any character that is too much tanky, though. After you get the clone you can kill the jungler as well or the other guy in lane, and this is why i love Moredekaiser after all. After you farm up 1500 gold you want to buy the Haunting Guise. After Haunting Guise you will be hitting your enemies hard. After you get back to lane you want to push and get their tower down asap. Now go for Hextech Revolver asap.

You should start ganking after you get their tower down. Your damage should be phenomenal now due to the high amount of magic penetration you've obtained. Your priority ganking place should be bottom lane, since ranged ADC clones are the best of the best. Furthermore,  try stealing the enemy's jungle once in a while as well (counter-jungle) and don't forget to ward as it will help your teammates. Team fights should start about now. In team fights you'll want to wait for the tank to initiate unless you've got Ryle's Crystal Scepter, but even then it's quite risky to initiate fight yourself. In team fights you should try to focus all of your damage on all enemy champions due to your skills being an AoE, and your top priority will be cloning the enemy ranged ADC, if you succed in getting the clone, the team fight is as good as over.

Keep trying to force team fights whenever your ultimate is up and carry your team to victory!

Mordekaiser skills:
[skills/mordekaiser/p.png]  Passive: Iron Man - 30% of the damage dealt from abilities is converted into a temporary shield, absorbing incoming damage. Shield regeneration is half effective versus minions. Minimum shield strength is 120 health, and the maximum is 630 health. The shield decays by 3% per second.


Even though this passive was nerfed, it is still one of the strongest passive abilities in the game. It has saved me uncountable many times and I'm sure it will do the same for you. Be sure to use your 'e' skill on minions when the jungler ganks because this will fill your shield up.

[skills/mordekaiser/q.png] Q: Mace of Spades - On next hit, Mordekaiser swings his mace with such force that it echoes out, striking up to 3 additional nearby targets, dealing his attack damage plus 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 bonus damage (+40% of ability power). If the target is alone, the bonus damage is increased by 65%.

Cost 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 health


This is your most damaging spell and after you get Lich Bane you can easily go over a thousand damage with a basic attacks. Downside of this skill is that you need to come in melee attack range to use it.

[skills/mordekaiser/w.png] W: Creeping Death - Unleashes a protective cloud of metal shards to surround an ally, increasing their armor and magic resistance by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 and dealing 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+15% of ability power) damage per second to enemies in the cloud for 6 seconds.

Cost 26 / 32 / 38 / 44 / 50health
Range 750


This spell will fill your shield up really fast in team fights and give you the extra magic resistance and armor which will help you stay alive. Don't rely on this spell too much, tough, it could dissapoint you. You can cast it on allies as well.

[skills/mordekaiser/e.png] E: Siphon of Destruction - Mordekaiser damages enemies in a cone in front of him, dealing 65 / 110 / 155 / 200 / 245 (+40% of ability power) magic damage.

Cost 24 / 36 / 48 / 60 / 72 health
Range 700


This is just your poke spell. This will almost always guarantee that your ultimated target doesn't get away because of the range on this skill. Thanks to this spell you are almost unbeatable in lane, but take care, you can still die. Watch at your health early since it costs a lof of healths.

[skills/mordekaiser/r.png] R: Children of the Grave -Curses an enemy champion for 8 seconds, stealing 3 / 3.5 / 4% life per second, plus an additional 0.1% per 50 AP.

If the target dies while under the effect of the curse, their soul is enslaved and will follow Mordekaiser for 30 seconds. During this time, Mordekaiser gains 25% of their ability power, and attack damage. The spirit gains 65 / 75 / 85% + (+100% of ability power) of Mordekaiser's adjusted damage, ability power, and 50% + (+100% of ability power) of Mordekaiser's health.

Pets can be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button.

Range 850


This is your bread and butter skill, the skill that will determine if you're a bad or a good Mordekaiser, the skill that will decide the tides of team fights. With help of your clone you can keep the passive and on-hit effects of the original champion. Your target should always be the ranged ADC unless he/she is dead then aim for the AP carry to get extra AP. Don't ever waste this skill as it is the most important!

Item build:

Starting items:

Boots of Speed and 3 health potions is your choice 90% of the time.You can start with cloth armor and null-magic mantle if you think you will having trouble though.

  [items/amplifying-tome.png] Never start with Amplifying Tome. It's not good start and won't help you poke your enemies.

Core items:

[items/haunting-guise.png]  Haunting Guise and [items/sorcerers-shoes.png] Sorcerer's Shoes will allow you to do true damage to anyone in early game including to tanks. It is much more helpful than it looks.

[items/hextech-revolver.png] Hextech Revolver gives you this spell vamp which will help you regenerate your healths. Due to this, you don't need HP/5 items.

[items/rylais-crystal-scepter.png] Ryle's Crystal Scepter - You don't want anyone to run from you, obviously.

After core:

[items/lich-bane.png] Lich Bane - Unless you're having a lot of trouble keeping yourself alive, get this item after Ryle's Crystal Scepter; it will make your damage like skyrocket.

[items/guardian-angel.png] Guardian Angel - This is one hell of an item. It's OP. You want this after Lich Bane or after Ryle's Crystal Scepter if you're being focused a lot. After you get this, just jump into their team ultimating their ranged ADC and watch as the clone rapes them while you slooooooooowly revive.

[items/rabadons-deathcap.png] Rabadon's Deathcap - Your spells will deal a lot of damage after this item has been built, but it is a luxury. Get it only as sixth item.

[items/abyssal-scepter.png] Abyssal Scepter or  [items/void-staff.png] Void Staff should replace Haunting Guise. Void Staff is a needing item if more than three enemy champions have over 100 MR, get Abyssal Scepter otherwise.

[items/hextech-gunblade.png] Hextech Gunblade - Get this only after you've finished your whole build. You don't want to waste gold on this in early game as it is too expensive.

Other viable items:

[items/deathfire-grasp.png] Deathfire Grasp -  I've personally been against getting this item on Mordekaiser since all of his spells are AoE, but lately I've started to like it, because it can guarantee getting your clone. If you're going to get this buy Kage's Lucky Pick early and turn it into Deathfire Grasp before or after Lich Bane.

[items/zhonyas-hourglass.png] Zhonya's Hourglass - If you're having trouble with enemy AD even after you got Guardian Angel, get this instead of Rabadon's Deathcap as your 5th item. With this item, Guardian Angel and your 'w' skill you will have about 200+ armor and 150+ magic resistance and you'll be extremely tanky.

[items/mejais-soulstealer.png] Mejai's Soulstealer -  I personally don't recommend this item, but you can get it after your core items only if you're not dying much and you're killing much. If you have under 12 stacks,sell it for a Rabadon's Deathcap in late game.

[items/maw-of-malmortius.png] Maw of Malmortius - I've been having doubts about this item but I've started liking it. It will give you a lot of AD and a nice shield and some nice magic resistance. You will get this instead of Rabadon's Deathcap if they have 3 or 2 really strong casters.

[items/mercurys-treads.png] Mercury's Threads - I don't like this on Mordekaiser. But if you're getting stunned a lot then be my guest.

[items/sunfire-cape.png] Sunfire Cape - This will increase the damage with your 'w' skill and give you some nice armor and health. But you generally don't really want it since it was nerfed to oblivion...

The items that are a clear NO!

[items/warmogs-armor.png] Warmog's Armor - No! Too much health and HP/5 that you don't need on Mordekaiser. With solely AP and spell vamp you would be able to strengthen your passive shield more than you would help yourself with this item.

[items/force-of-nature.png] Force of Nature - I see a lot of Mordekaiser getting and rushing this item. It makes me sad! Lich Bane gives movement speed too! Lichbane and Guardian Angel give you a lot of magic resistance. As I had already explained spell vamp helps you more than health regain.

Other Mord builds:

Tank Mordekaiser:

Sorcerer's Shoes, Hextech Revolver (Hextech Gunblade in late game), Frozen Mallet, Ryle's Crystal Scepter, Guardian Angel, Abyssal Scepter):

This build will make you a hell of a tank with lots of health, armor and magic resistance. Furthermore, it will give you enough Crowd Control effects and disabilities so you could be called tank.

Tanky AD jungle Mordekaiser:

Wriggle's Lantern, Hextech Gunblade (only buy it in late game instead of Wriggle's Lantern), Sorcerer's Shoes, Trinity Force, Frozen Mallet, Atma's Impaler, Guardian Angel:

I've tried this build. Your clone hits stronger with this build but your spells are close to being called useless expect your 'q' skill which will deal lots of damage. Most of your damage is still magical, though.

Main Summoner Spells you should use:

[summoners/ghost.png]    Ghost - Spell that will help you chase down your targets!


Ignite - Spell that will secure killing the enemy and obtaining it's character clone.

Replacements for ghost (though I don't like them very much, this is what you can take as well):

[summoners/flash.png] Flash is OK instead of ghost,but I prefer ghost.

[summoners/exhaust.png] Exhaust works really well with ignite,but that way you're left without an escape or chasing power.

[summoners/heal.png] Summoner Heal - I have yet to test this I've seen some Mordekaiser take it but I haven't tried it yet myself. Though I can guarantee it's not too bad. Still, once again, you are left without escape power if you take this spell.

[summoners/smite.png] Smite - Get it only if jungling.

[summoners/teleport.png] Teleport is viable on everyone.

I hope you liked the guide and build that SKuLL had presented you!

Note: Troll Patrol did simply edit this post in a way it could be understood properly and didn't mess with it's original info a lot!

All the best on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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