
Thursday, October 25, 2012

One more jungle guide: Sejuani, the Winter's Wrath

Today we are back with new jungling guide for one of the most unused champions in the game. We will explain how you can support with her or play solo top or even mid, but some of them are not highly recommendable.

Sejuani was only played when she was released. Today, we cannot see many people playing her. The truth is that she's not that good champion, when you take a look at her, at first, but after summarising all the carefully looked things and ideas and connecting them into a single based thought, you will realise that she is not that bad as it may have seemed.

She is Crowd Control tank. She can play in any lane, but her best usage is as a jungle tank. She has one grave disadvantage that makes her look bad and weak. If you don't get fed with her, you'd end up being deadweight to your team. Why is that? Answer cannot be more simple. Her stats aren't that good to begin with and you won't be able to last long in fights. Furthermore, you won't be dealing any damage either. This is one of the reasons why people usually never go for the support Sejuani though she can be played like that.

Her advantages are her Crowd Control effects. Like Amumu and Leona she can be pretty good initiator and she can shut down enemy players from far behind.

Summoner spells:

Flash is good for setting up ganks. Even though you already have one gap closing skill, it's never bad idea to carry flash with you. :)

Smite is really important if you will jungle. She has bad AP ratios, bad damage, and because of that she cannot jungle without it like some characters can. :)

Replacements for Flash:

Exhaust - you can really use this spell well. If you feel you don't need to much of gap closers, get this spell.

Ignite - will help you finish off the enemies.

Cleanse - Get it in ranked if you see enemies are having strong Crowd Control effects; you can pick it in blind pick as well, but it can be a risky pick sometimes. :)

Replacements for Smite:

Note of caution: If not jungling!

Clarity - It doesn't matter if you are support or not. Clarity is good spell to carry since she has big mana issues.

Promote - OK, we've seen some Sejuani players carrying this spell. We must admit we thought it was a joke and we were being very cynical about it, at first, but after we've tried it out, we realized it can be a good spell.

Heal - If supporting and your ally carry doesn't carry one summoner heal, you will need to get it since you cannot heal. :)))

Note of caution: Any spell shown in replacements for flash can do well, as well. :)


Frost (Passive) Sejuani's basic attacks apply frost, reducing enemy movement speed by 10% for 3 seconds.

Explanation: This passive is solid and many people say: 'Oh my God! It's the worst passive in the game!'. We don't feel like that. This spell is similar to having Frozen Mallet. Some of you might think that Ashe can do the same, but don't forget, Ashe can do that but only with 'q' skill active. It uses mana with every shot and doesn't give any damage. Because of that, Ashe has only one skill to deal additional damage. So, don't take this passive lightly. :)

Arctic Assault Sejuani charges forward, dealing 60 / 90 / 130 / 170 / 210 (+40% of ability power) magic damage and applying frost to enemies. Sejuani stops upon colliding with an enemy champion.

Range 700
Cooldown 19 / 17 / 15 / 13 / 11 seconds
Cost 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 mana

Explanation: This is Sejuani's gap closing / gap making skill. On hit with an enemy, it applies one stack of frost to him. This is to be used to reduce to gap between you and enemy or to create one. Max it last but take it as a starting spell. If you are jungling, take it on level 2!

Northern Winds Sejuani summons an arctic storm around her for 5 seconds, dealing magic 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 +(10% of ability power) + ( 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2% of maximum health) damage each second to nearby enemies. Damage is increased by 50% against enemies affected by frost or Permafrost

Cost 40 mana
Cooldown 10 seconds

Explanation: This spell is just in her toolbox because she needs some damage. It is not that great damage dealer, but it can counter many tanks building health. Use it whenever in team fight to damage all the enemies around you. This is an AoE spell. It's to be maxed second. Take it on level three. If you are jungling start with this spell!

Permafrost Sejuani converts frost on nearby enemies to Permafrost, dealing 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 +(50% of ability power) as magic damage and increasing the movement speed reduction by 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 % for 3 seconds.

Cost 55 mana
Cooldown 11 seconds

Explanation: With this spell in your toolbox your enemies won't be able to run from you and your teammates. Because this is your key spell, no we are not joking, you should max it as quickly as possible. You should learn this spell on level two. This is good spell when ganking. Enemies will be stuck and won't be able to run from you easily. If you are jungling get this spell on level 3!

Glacial Prison Sejuani throws her weapon, stunning the first enemy champion hit for 2 seconds and all other nearby enemies for 1 second. All affected targets take 150 / 250 / 350 +(80% of ability power) as magic damage and are affected by frost.

Cost 100 mana
Cooldown 150 / 130 / 110 seconds
Range 1150

Explanation: This is your key spell for initiating. It is a really good spell since it stuns everyone who gets caught in its blast radius. Try to get as much enemies as you can. It's somewhere similar to Amumu's ultimate but you needn't even to come to enemy's attack range to be able to stun them. Anyway, keep in mind that only first target hit will get stunned for two seconds. Others will get stunned for half of that time - 1 second to be precise.

Jungle Sejuani:


Version 1:

boots-of-speed health-potion3
Boots of speed, 3 health potion

It's good to start like this because you are not that quick at the start of the game. Some people dislike starting like this, though we highly recommend this start, but if you are one of those people you can even start like shown below.

Version 2:

regrowth-pendant health-potion
Regrowth Pendant, 1 health potion

This won't provide you with speed, but it will provide you with durability when jungling. If starting like this you'll get a Philosopher's Stone. There are few more ways to start, keep looking below.

Version 3:

Ruby's Crystal

If you feel you'd need more health than mobility, start with this item. You will buy Heart of Gold first if starting with this item.

Version 4:

Cloth armor, 5 health potions

Even though you won't be playing AD, this is not a bad start. This will help you stay in jungle more than you'd be able with any build shown before. But keep in mind that this is only the good start if you don't have runes.

Early game goals:

Note of caution: Depending on how you started you'd go:

Version 1 and Version 3:

Heart of Gold

This should be your first item. It gives you the gold and health.

Philosopher's Stone

This will give you mana regain and health regain. Furthermore, you'd be accumulating more gold.

Boots should go next!

(after we've explained all the versions we'd go back to what boots to buy)

Version 2:

Philosopher's Stone

Heart of Gold

Then complete boots!

Version 4:

This is definitely the most different version 'till now.

Heart of Gold

Afterwards, you will buy boots!

Now you will go for...


Which boots to buy:

There are three options to chose from.

Mercury's Threads

These are to be bought against heavy Crowd Control enemy team.

Ninja Tabi

These are to be bought against physical bruiser enemy team.

Boots of Mobility

These are to be bought if you see that you will need to help in every lane. If your teammates are getting owned and pushed away in all of your lanes, since you will need speed, you are to buy these shoes.

Middle game goals:

It won't matter how you've started, your middle game will be the same.

Shurelya's Revery

You won't be just tank jungler as we've said, you will even be supporting your teammates well. :)

Warden's Mail

This will give you tankiness you could really use and you will be one step closer to obtaining Randui's Omen, but we won't upgrade it until the late game comes. :)

Aegis of Legion

This item is really good on her but there is one condition when you shouldn't buy it. The only time you don't need it is when you have support like Taric or similar who will buy Aegis of Legion. Consult with your support about this. :)

What to do when you don't buy Aegis of Legion:

Abyssal's Scepter

Rush this item as quickly as possible if you agreed with your support not to go for Aegis of Legion. If you bought Aegis of Legion then this will be your 3rd complete major item, but it will fill up sixth slot.

Late game items:

Whatever you chose to do, playing with Aegis of Legion and / or Abyssal's Scepter your next move is pretty much the same.

Randui's Omen

It's finally time to obtain this item as well. :) Merge your Warden's Mail and Heart of Gold into this. Because of this you will be given one more slot (if you didn't buy Aegis of Legion, you'll have two more slots).

Situational items:
Against hard physical damage enemy team:


You should buy this item if you are having problems with physical damage dealers. It'll make you even more tankier and durable in team battles.

Against hard magical damage enemy team:

Force of Nature

This is the item that will give you more health regain and magic resistance. Furthermore, you'd be given movement speed.

Because of the confusion that may have happened because of too much changes possible we will show you how your build should look like in the end.

Note: We will be using only one shoes in all of builds below but as we've already explained above you can get any of three shoes from the list. This way, it's easier than writing three different solutions based on which shoes you've chosen.

Complete builds version 1:

These are based on the though you bought both Aegis of Legion and Abyssal's Scepter.

Against hard physical team:

ninja-tabi shurelyas-reverie aegis-of-the-legion abyssal-scepter randuins-omen thornmail

Ninja Tabi, Shurelya's Reveri, Aegis of Legion, Abyssal's Scepter, Randui's Omen, Thornmaill.

Against hard magical damage team:

mercurys-treads shurelyas-reverie aegis-of-the-legion abyssal-scepter randuins-omen force-of-nature

Mercury's Threads, Shurelya's Revery, Aegis of Legion, Abyssal's Scepter, Randui's Omen, Force of Nature.

Note of caution: Order of the items in the complete builds version 1 is based on the order you will be buying those items.

One more slot to fill:

OK, we've already said that you needn't to buy Aegis of Legion. If that's true, what should you buy to fill the last slot up? OK, here we will show you few possible choices.

There are five items that can go instead of Aegis of Legion and we will explain when should you go for each.

Ryle's Crystal Scepter

You won't be obtaining this item because of slow only but because of health and ability power it gives.

If you feel you are not dealing too much damage with your ability power you should buy this item.

Frozen Mallet

Feel like your slows aren't enough? You want more? OK, go for Frozen Mallet. Though this is unusual thing to go for, it will provide you with even more health so it's pretty much OK.

Go for this item if you need more health.

Black Claver

Funny to see this item on the list? This is actually due to it's passive effect. It will reduce all of the hit enemies' armor resistance. Due to that they will be easier killed by your teammates. You'll also gain decent amount of attack damage and attack speed which will improve your quickness in stacking your passive on enemy targets.

Get this item if there are too many people with armor.

Trinity Force

This is the item if you want slow, more damage, speed, attack speed, everything.

We feel this is the best choice to get in any situation. We strongly recommend you get this item almost always, unless conditions for Black Claver or next item we will tell you aren't fulfilled. :)

Guardian Angel

Obtaining this item will give you protection from physical, magical damage dealers and it will also provide you with rebirth function.

If you can die easily from any kind of damage, go for this item.

Note of caution: Don't think you cannot buy any slow item on her. Since items have unique passive and it only means that they won't stack with any slow that's made by another item's ability, their effect will work, it won't matter that Sejuani's passive is slowing already.

Complete build version 2:

So after all of this, this is how your build will look like if you haven't went for Aegis of Legion; it's in order you should buy these items.

Against physical damage dealers:

ninja-tabi shurelyas-reverie abyssal-scepter randuins-omen thornmail

Ninja Tabi, Shurelya's Revery, Abyssal's Scepter, Randui's Omen, Thornmail, Trinity Force

Against magical damage dealers:

mercurys-treads shurelyas-reverie abyssal-scepter randuins-omen force-of-nature

Mercury's Threads, Shurelya's Revery, Abyssal's Scepter, Randui's Omen, Force of Nature, Trinity Force.

Note of caution: As said previously, we used only one type of shoes in build. You can use any three we said. It's your personal choice. Furthermore, in this complete build version 2 we've also used only one item that can replace Aegis of Legion (Trinity Force in this case). If we were writing everything we'd have 15 different versions of each build, 30 total (in this complete build 2). Because of that, we've shortened it with using only one of the 5 items and only one of 3 shoes.

We've written that this is Sejuani's build for jungling. For supports it's the same way to build. But when playing support you should start like version 2 suggests (Regrowth Pendant and 1 health potion).

When playing solo top or middle lane, there is only one small difference and it is about order in which you will buy items. Your first major item will be Abyssal's Scepter, then you'll go for Shurelya's Revery and everything is pretty much the same.

How to jungle:

When jungling with Sejuani, start with wolves. Use your 'w' spell to damage them all at the same time. Ask for few shoots from your teammates. After, ask your teammates to help you get blue buff. After that go for the usual route, wraths, golems, return, then go for wolves, red, etc. Gank in the mean time.

Also, tell the one playing mid that he should always get wraths. You shouldn't take them. Let him get more farm this way.


You can gank at level 3. If your enemy pushed a lot walk behind him and hit him with few basic attacks then use your 'e' spell for additional slow. In the mean time, use 'w' spell to do even more damage. If the enemy flashes away, use 'q' skill to catch him up and continue slowing him. Do not turret dive! If the enemy isn't pushing, use your 'q' skill to make a surprise attack on him, use 'w' skill to deal more damage, basic attack him and activate permafrost ('e' skill) to slow him even more.

Creating team fights:

Wait for your teammates to be in a good position. They should be slightly out of enemy's range but not too far away. Initiate with your ultimate from behind. Use your 'q' ability to catch up. Try basic hitting their carries and permafrost them as soon as they become mobile. Use Randui's effect if you have that item at that time. When they are stunned you should turn on your 'w' skill to deal more AoE damage.


Let your ally feed on minions and stay in front of him to protect him if some bad situations happen. You can always escape easily. Once when you are level 6 ask your jungler to come and gank. You should initiate with ultimate and fighting should start. Try to save your 'q' spell if possible, if you are too far away, don't do that, enter with it since your slow is of importance there. Focus their AD carry.


When laning you should try to maximize your 'w' skill as it's your biggest damage. Let enemy push. Play defensive, you are not good in 1 v 1. Try to last hit minions and never ask for junglers help. Let jungler gank other lanes, your job is to protect your tower, turret, nothing more than that. :)

We hope we've been helpful with this guide. This is also the way you should play Skarner. If you have any remarks let us know!

We wish you all the good luck on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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