
Friday, November 9, 2012

Introducing: Ashe, the Frost Archer

After a long time, we present to you one more, new guide.

Ashe is typical ranged carry. She is one of the first characters everyone starts to play with.

Advantages of playing her are that she can slow down enemies, stun them all across the map and gain vision of one location.

When playing her, you need to bare in mind that she has only one skill to deal additional damage and against the same fed carry in 1 v 1 battle she won't win.

Summoner spells:

Flash - We recommend this spell because she has no gap closing skills.

Ignite - This is one of two standard plays with carries. Ignite will burn down the target and secure the kill for you.

Replacements for Flash:

Heal - Honestly it gives us chills when we see this. We don't think that this spell is too relevant, but if your support cannot heal it could be barely useful.

Teleport - Helps you teleport right into the battle.

Exhaust - This spell may be relevant when battling in 1 v 1.


Focus (Passive) While out of combat, Ashe's critical strike chance increases by 3/6/9/12/15/18% every 3 seconds, removed after next attack. Focus will now display a buff showing how much extra crit chance Ashe has

Explanation: This is solid passive, though we think that it could be made even better, because Ashe is not able to parry many AD carries. We think this passive is not useful at all, but in normal games can help secure the first blood.

Frost Shot Toggle: Ashe's basic attacks slow her target's movement speed by 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% for 2 seconds.

Cost 8mana per attack
Range 600

Explanation: This is Ashe's spell that helps her reduce enemies movement speed. This is good if you want to catch the enemy and you needn't to buy Frozen Mallet and similar items. On the other hand, in the early game it could be completely useless. Get it at level 2 but max it last.

Volley Ashe fires 7 arrows in a cone dealing attack damage + 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80. Volley also applies Frost Shot.

Cooldown 20 / 16 / 12 / 8 / 4seconds
Cost 60mana
Range 600

Explanation: This is the only Ashe's damaging spell. Use it whenever it is available. Take first point early on and try to max it as quickly as possible, because of its cooldown.

Hawkshot Passive: Ashe gains 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 extra gold whenever she kills any unit.

Active: Ashe animates a Hawk to scout for her, revealing terrain as it flies toward target location.

Cooldown 60seconds
Range 6000

Explanation: This spell would have been great if it weren't for its long cooldown. Though, this spell gives you additional gold to compensate, so you should try to max it right after the Volley. Use this spell to discover where enemies are hiding or if you have the feeling you will get ganked. Use it whenever it's available. Take first point at level 3.

Enchanted Crystal Arrow Fires a large arrow in a straight line. If it hits an enemy champion, it will stun that champion for up to 3.5 seconds, based on the distance the arrow traveled, and deal 250 / 425 / 600 (+100% of ability power) magic damage. Additionally, surrounding units take half the damage and are slowed for 3 seconds.

Cooldown 100/90/80 seconds
Cost 150 mana
Range 20000

Explanation: This is one of the spells why Ashe is still being played. It is great for securing kills in team fights or solo battles. It is also good to help allies escape the certain death. Longer it traveled, longer enemies will be stunned. You should try to stun them as much as possible. Save this spell and initiate with it.



Boots of Speed, 3 health potions

Early game goals:

B.F. Sword

You should get it as soon as possible. Farm to get it. This item is of the greatest importance in early game.


Go for Zeal next. It will give you more movement speed and attack speed. You can use it early on.

Vampiric Scepter

You could use life steal, so get this item.

Chain Vest

You possibly never saw this move, but since you will play against AD carry, you can put this item on a really good use.

Middle game goals:

Infinity Edge

Use the B.F. Sword and upgrade it to this item. Ashe isn't a kitting character, so you shouldn't go for Bloodthirster first. Vampiric Scepter will be enough. (to check what kitting means, visit the Vayne guide).

Mercury's Threads

This may be rather unusual move, but we feel that getting these shoes is the best available choice. It will make you more durable. Thanks to the Zeal in the beginning of the game, you don't need them 'till now.
Most common move would be: Boots of Swiftness, but you don't need that much speed. You can gain much better advantage wearing these. To compare and contrast the differences between these two on Ashe is like she was wearing heels (Boots of Swiftness) and army combat shoes (Mercury's Threads).

Phantom Dancer

Use the existing Zeal to form this item. This is classical for any AD carry and there is not too much to say about this.

The Bloodthirster

Getting this item next is of great relevance. Use the Vampiric Scepter to form this item. It will make you even more durable and make you a greater damager.

Late game goals:

Note: When playing Ashe, like many AD carries, you don't have situational items. You may still get some other items in the late game, but that's likely never to happen. You should focus on dealing damage, not playing tank, though, having a bit armor and magical resistance, or health, won't give you any troubles.

Fifth item:
vs vs
Ionic Spark, Last Whisper, Phantom Dancer

As your fifth item you should get one of these three. Ionic spark will give you ability to damage all the enemies. Last Whisper will help you if enemies are building armor like crazy. Phantom Dancer will help you in any other cases.

There are some items that can be bought as fifth item as well, but, as we said, it's not likely you will need them and that you could put them up for a good use.

Sixth item:

Guardian Angel

Building Guardian Angel will give you everything you needed. There is no one that would be able to stop you now. You should always include it in your build, but only as the last item. Use the Chain Vest to get this item.

Tips and Tricks:

There are not too many tips and tricks that we may share while playing Ashe. Playing AD carries comes with experience. You need to learn positioning which is the most important. You should always stay behind your allies and enemies won't be able to come near you. If enemies have characters like: Evelynn, than you must stay out of enemies range, but also, you mustn't be behind your allies. You can perform this by going on the sides in the battle, and if you see someone coming you from behind, ping your allies, and let them help you.

When laning, you shouldn't be too aggressive because Ashe is not actually the strongest AD carry in the game. Focus on farming and spam 'w' skill, whenever possible, to damage enemies.

As we said, always rely on your 'e' skill to reveal the map.

This is it for today! We hope you liked it and found it useful!

We wish you all the good luck on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol!


  1. Replies
    1. You are more than welcome! :) We are sorry it took us such a long time. :) We hope you liked it! :)
