
Friday, November 2, 2012

Introducing: Nasus, the Curator of the Sands

Today, we will present to you one more requested guide; for Nasus.

Nasus is offensive tank champion. He is pretty easy to play with and certainly has more advantages than disadvantages.

Nasus can be played in top lane, middle lane and jungle. We saw few people playing Nasus as a support, but we must warn you to never try that! Nasus strength lies in his farming. As a support he cannot do that so he ends up being deadweight to his team.

Nasus is champion who can deal a lot of damage with just few strikes. Enemies cannot usually run away from him due to his slow ability which is the strongest in the game. There is no tenacity (we are sorry we've called this thing differently, though two of the names can be pretty much the same; we'll try to stick with the official name from now on) that can deal up with his slow. Furthermore, Nasus is without doubt strong tank. This is due to his ultimate ability. He can stay long in lane because of one of his abilities which allows him to heal.

Downside, when playing Nasus, is that the game can be really boring at the start. You don't do anything, you just farm as much as possible to get bigger damage.

Summoner spells:

Flash - Since you have no gap closing / gap reducing abilities, it's of importance to start with this spell.

Teleport - We actually think Nasus can use teleport really well. He is strong champion and he can help his teammates this way by teleporting behind enemies' backs or by teleporting into team battle to help his teammates.

Replacements for Teleport:

Ignite will help you secure the kill.

Exhaust will disable enemy target. If there's no one with Exhaust in your team, you ought to pick it.

Ghost is summoner spell players use on Nasus really often. We don't see why they do this, but we can see it's not that bad choice. If you think this will help you more, go for it. :)


Soul Eater (Passive) Nasus drains his foe's spiritual energy, giving him a natural 14/17/20% lifesteal. The lifesteal value increments at levels 1, 6, and 11.

Explanation: This is the passive ability that gives you life steal early on. Thanks to it you can jungle really well or stay in lane for a long time.

Siphoning Strike Nasus's next attack will deal an additional 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 damage. Siphoning Strike permanently gains 3 damage whenever it kills an enemy.

Cooldown 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 seconds
Cost 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 mana
Range 300

Explanation: The reason why playing with Nasus can be boring is because of this spell. You need to strengthen it! You should need to grow it stronger and stronger throughout whole game. Later on, you will see that you will be able to kill enemy carries with one shot of this spell.

Note of caution: When you kill minions, kill them with this spell, because this is the only way to strengthen it. In other words, when you kill with this spell activated, you will get more damage on it.

Wither Nasus ages his target, slowing their movement and attack speed by 35% and reducing it further by 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15% each second for 5 seconds. Wither will reach its max slow even if its duration is reduced (ie: by tenacity)

Cooldown 15/14/13/12/11 seconds
Cost 80 mana
Range 700

Explanation: This is the strongest slow spell in game. The only way to counter it is not by tenacity, it's by Cleanse or Quicksilver Sash. No one can run away from you, thanks to this spell.

Spirit Fire The target area becomes desecrated. Enemies in the area have their armor reduced by 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 and are dealt 55/95/135/175/215 (+60% of ability power) initial damage and 11/19/27/35/43 (+12% of ability power) magic damage each second for 5 seconds.

Cooldown 12 seconds
Cost 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 mana
Range 650

Explanation: You can play AP Nasus as well, thanks to this spell, though this is not what we are going to use it for. It's good for lowering all of the enemies' armor in the team fights. This way, your AD carries will easier pierce their hp bar to zero.

Fury of the Sands Nasus becomes empowered in the sandstorm for 15 seconds, gaining 300 / 450 / 600 health. While the storm rages, he drains 3 / 4 / 5 (+1% of ability power)% of nearby enemies' health each second (240 damage max per second) and converts it into bonus attack damage.

Cooldown 120seconds
Cost 150mana
Range 20

Explanation: With this spell active you can be the ultimate tank due to how much hp it gives. Furthermore, you will gain a lot of physical power and you'll be 'draining' all of the enemies health.



Version 1 (if laning):

Boots of Speed, 1 health potion, 2 mana potions

Since you'd like to be more mobile, you should start with Boots of Speed. Furthermore, you don't need too much health potions. You can life-steal pretty well. Since mana can be your problem, start with 2 mana potions so you can stay longer in your lane.

Version 2 (if jungling):

cloth-armor health-potion5
Cloth Armor, 5 health potions

Jungling start is the same as all AD junglers start.

Early game goals (if laning):

Philosopher's Stone

This item will give you mana regain and gold. You need it both. You shouldn't mind that it gives health regain as well. :)

Glacial Shroud

You still won't be merging anything else, yet. So get this item only.


Sheen's good for your output damage in the beginning of the game. You shouldn't avoid getting it.

Mercury's Threads

When laning these should be your only option to get. It will provide you with magic resistance and tenacity. You don't need Ninja Tabi, as many people are buying on Nasus. If enemy carry is too fed, he'd kill you anyways, it won't matter if you have Ninja Tabi or not.

Middle game goals:

Heart of Gold

You'll obtain more gold this way and you'll find it useful later on, for merging.

Shurelya's Revery

Thanks to this item you'd not only be offensive-tank, but support as well.

Trinity Force

You should rush Trinity Force afterwards because it will provide you with all necessities you need.

Late game goals:

Randui's Omen

This item will give you health, health regain and most important of all it will help you annoy enemies even more.

Force of Nature

You should rush Force of Nature afterwards. This will protect you from annoying AP carries. It will also make you invincible because, you'll have really big health regain per 5.

Frozen Heart

This item will give you even more armor, mana and ability to support your teammates a bit more. Combined with all other items it will give you 35% of the cooldown reduction.

Situational items:

Note: Sometimes, you shouldn't go for Frozen Heart. Sometimes you won't need it. If that's the case, these are the viable options to change it with (you'd need to sell your Glacial Shroud, though):

Banshee's Veil

Usually, if you wouldn't need Frozen Heart that would mean that enemy AP carries are more fed. Banshee's will be great replacement then.

Warmog's Armor

If the situation demands you to have more health, you should go for Warmog's. Usually, you wouldn't need it, but if enemy AP and AD carries are somewhere at the same fed level, you could use this item better than any other.

Atma's Impaler

If you'd like to get more damage, go for this item last.

What to build when jungling:

Building is pretty much the same. Ordering is different. This is how your build should go like:

After 'version 2' start, you will go like this:

cloth-armor boots-of-speed philosophers-stone sheen
Cloth Armor, Boots of Speed, Philosopher's Stone, Sheen, Heart of Gold, Chain West

After this, you'll use Chain West to merge it into Glacial Shroud. Then, you'll go for Trinity Force. Afterwards, you'll buy Mercury's Threads. Then, go for Shurelya's Revery. Now, it's time for Randui's Omen. Then go for Force of Nature. Your build should look like this:

glacial-shroud trinity-force mercurys-treads shurelyas-reverie randuins-omen force-of-nature
Glacial Shroud, Trinity Force, Mercury's Threads, Shurelya's Revery, Randui's Omen, Force of Nature

Note: You can sell Glacial Shroud and buy any of the items mentioned above as a situational item instead of this. You can merge it into Frozen Heart as well.

Tips and Tricks.

1. When in trouble situations, use your ultimate to get away.
2. When in team fights, use your 'e' skill so you can reduce armor of all the enemies.
3. When in team fights, you can use your ultimate as a damaging skill. Activate it and it will steal all of the enemies health. It will also give you more physical damage. You can kill targets easier this way.
4. When jungling, always start with wolves, then move on to blue. Afterwards, go for wraths, golems and red buff.
5. When jungling, you should always finish off minions with your 'q' ability. If it's on cooldown, run around them until you can use it again. Killing 10 minions this way will give you 30 additional damage on your 'q' ability. You can count what will happen after some time.
6. There are two ways to gank. First one involves casting your 'e' spell first. You do that only if your allies are close to the target. You walk up to the target and start hitting it. Hit him / her with 'q' ability whenever it gets of cooldown. Once you've closed to your target you can use slow, so he / her doesn't get away. Another starting gank technique is to walk to your target and once you are in range use your slow. This way, your allies will surely catch him. Wait 'till target uses gap closing / gap reducing ability, if he / she has it, of course, and then use your 'e' spell. In the mean time keep hitting him and use your 'q' to deal as much as damage possible.
7. You need to know that your 'q' spell is really good spell for KSing. (KS means Kill Secured)
8. Don't try to feed yourself too much. Leave your teammates kills sometimes. They need to feed as well cause you won't be able to carry the game alone.

We hope you liked this guide and that we've been helpful once again!
Thank you for following us!

All the best on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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