
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Introducing: Galio, the Sentinel's Sorrow

One more guide coming today: Galio, the Sentinel's Sorrow.

Galio is one of the most underrated tank supports in the game. Even though he is really good, many people avoid him for some reasons unknown to us.

Many people think that Galio is actually tank character who should buy support items but we say that that's one of the key mistakes players make. Galio can be played numerous ways, one of which, we will show you, because it is the best one.

When playing Galio, your advantages are that you have great range and damage, but you don't actually need to build it. His mobility is decent as well, but his defense is even greater than his damage output. Strategically, Galio is one of the most favorable solo top character in Troll Patrol.

Disadvantages when playing Galio are that his player needs to know how to position, to have quick and good reflexes and to be able to play aggressively.

Galio, unlike other support tanks, is not to be played as a bottom support, but rather as a solo top character. We will explain more in Tips & Tricks segment.

Summoner Spells:

Exhaust - You will need it in team fights so you should pick it. Galio doesn't actually need spells while playing solo lane.

Smite - Even though you are not jungling, you can use smite to gain even more gold and minions, this is what NJ does all the time.

Replacement for Smite:

Flash - It will help you initiate, nothing more.

Clarity - Galio uses a lot of mana, so getting this spell is not that bad.


Runic Skin (Passive) Galio converts 50% of his total magic resistance into ability power.

Explanation: This passive allows Galio to be strong early game without even buying ability power.

Resolute Smite Active: Galio fires a concussive blast from his eyes to a target location, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and reducing their movement speed for 2.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 7 seconds
Range to Center of AoE: 900
Radius of AoE: 175
Projectile Speed: 1300

Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Magic Damage: 80/135/190/245/300 (+0.6 per ability power)
Slow: 24/28/32/36/40 %

Explanation: This is your main damaging spell in solo lane and in team fights. Spam it whenever it's out of cooldown. Use it to damage minions or take down enemy's hp down. Use it to slow the chasing enemy as well. Take a first point of it early on and max parallelly with 'w' spell.

Bulwark Active: Galio shields an allied champion for 4 seconds, increasing their armor and magic resistance. Each time that unit takes damage, Galio is healed. The heal is 20% weaker than the last for each consecutive hit.
Cost: 60 mana
Cooldown: 13 seconds
Range: 800

Bonus Armor & Magic Resistance: 30/45/60/75/90
Heal: 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.3 per ability power)
Heal after 5 hits: 84/134/185/235/286 (+1.01 per ability power)
Maximum Heal (∞ hits): 125/200/275/350/425 (+1.5 per ability power)

Explanation: This is not that important spell in early game, but in late game is your best friend. :) It will heal you and give you magic resistance and armor as well. Take a first point on level 3 but max it parallelly with your 'q' spell.

Righteous Gust Active: Galio unleashes a gust of magical wind that deals magic damage to all enemies in its path. A directional draft remains for 5 seconds, increasing the movement speed of allies passing through it.
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Range: 1000

Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana
Magic Damage: 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.5 per ability power)
Movement Speed Bonus: 20/28/36/44/52 %

Explanation: Use this spell in combination with 'q' spell to finish off minions or to give speed to your allies when retreating or when chasing the enemies down.

Idol of Durand Active: Galio channels for 2 seconds, taunting nearby foes and reducing incoming damage by 50%.After channeling, Galio deals magic damage to surrounding enemies, plus an additional 5% damage for each attack suffered while channeling and capping at 40% bonus damage.
Radius of AoE: 600

Cost: 100/150/200 mana
Cooldown: 170/150/130 seconds
Base Magic Damage: 220/330/440 (+0.6 per ability power)
Maximum Magic Damage: 308/462/616 (+0.84 per ability power)

Explanation: This is Galio's main spell in team fights. This will make enemies rage a lot if you successfully use it all the time. Use it in team fights to create an opening for your teammates or to disrupt the chasing enemy who has gap closing skills and because of that you won't be able to catch him.

Note of caution: We recommend that you always put a shield on yourself when casting this ultimate because you will lose less health due to bonus armor it provides and healing, and you will definitely avoid the death situation.



Meki Pendant, 2 health potions

This way you will secure your early dominance. You will deal up with your mana issues, but, furthermore, you will be able to return your health if the enemy successfully harasses you.

Early game goals:

Boots of Speed

To gain more mobility go for Boots of Speed. You won't need full shoes just yet.

Zhonya's Hourglass

This should be your next item. This will help you a lot in early game, but as well as in late game. It will provide you with armor, ability power and you will make yourself harder to be killed. Never forget to use its effect if in pinch situations, though.

Negatron Cloack

This will give you more magical resistance and thanks to passive even more ability power.

Middle game goals:

Chalice of Harmony

Unlike mage do, you don't need this item early on. You will just need to buy it now because of the late game.

Banshee's Veil

Use the Negatron Cloack and upgrade it to this item. You will gain everything you need now with this choice.

Mercury's Threads

It's finally time to improve your shoes. Go for these ones because it will make you even more tenkier.

Guardian Angel

Rushing Guardian Angel is important now. After this item, you won't be able to die thanks to this item's ability, Zhonya's and thanks to your 'w' spell. Furthermore, you will have a lot of armor and magical resistance and no one would be able to counter you. You will be able to solo with enemy AD carry.

Late game goals:

Athene's Unholy Grail

This is the fifth item you should get. This item you should get more because of magic resistance which, when scaled with passive, give even more ability power than it does already.

Situational items:

Note: You will probably end the game before you even get to buy your sixth item, but here is what you could go for if you get enough gold for it.

Frozen Heart

This will give you even more armor, but not only that, it will give you cooldown reduction you may use well.

Frozen Heart

This will give you more health and slow effect with each of your basic attacks.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter

If you see enemies buying tenacity to counter your ultimate, go for this item as they won't be able to run, due to the slow.

Sunfire Cape

It is good if you want to deal even more damage. When you ult, they will come in range of this spell and you will make even greater damage.

Rod of Ages

Though this is the early game item, you can still make use of it in late game.

Rabadon's Deathcap

This is to be get if you want even more AP.

Abyssal Scepter

Get this if you want to support your team a bit.

Tips & Tricks:

Galio is not that good support because he is type of character who needs farm and gold. He is more like carry tank support rather than support. So don't ever try to play him bottom lane. His place is in top lane.

If starting in purple team and your jungler is starting off at blue, using your smite, kill the golems for the early gold head-start.

Use smite whenever possible to add more gold to your count.

Spam your 'q' ability on the enemy and try to hit him / her. This way you will successfully harass them out of the lane.

Use your 'q' to damage minions and than use your 'e' spell to finish them off.

If carrying flash, use it to come in centre of the battle and then you should use your ultimate.

Always stay in front of your teammates because you can receive almost infinity amount of damage and not die.

Never forget to use your Zhonya's to save yourself from bad situations.

Use your 'e' spell to boost up your allies when retreating or when chasing the enemies.

Use your 'w' spell to shield up an ally. Shield up an ally in team fight. This way you will be able to heal even though you are not getting hit.

We hope you liked this guide! Comment below and tell us what you think!

We wish you all the good luck on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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