
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Build-making schedule

We are happy to announce the schedule and scheme of the upcoming builds:
  • Alistar: Thursday, 1th November;
  • Nasus: Friday, 2nd November;
  • Skarner: Saturday, 3rd November;
  • Karma (long promised jungle build): Saturday, 3rd November;
  • Janna (update): Sunday, 4th November;
  • Ashe: Sunday, 4th November;
  • Galio: Monday, 5th November;
  • Katarina (update): Tuesday, 6th November;
  • Ahri (update): Wednesday, 7th November;
  • Graves: Friday, 9th November;
  • Warwick: Sunday, 11th November;
  • Syndra: Monday, 12th November.
Thank you for following us!

Good luck on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Introducing: Karthus, the Deathsinger guide

After the hiatus ending we wanted to finish all the requested builds by now. First one goes for Karthus.

Karthus is AP carry champion who utilizes in tankiness with good amount of ability power.

Karthus is a good champion. When playing him you can always rely on his quite long harassing range. When in team fights he can support his teammates by casting one of his abilities to slow down the enemis. Furthermore, one of his best advantages is his ultimate. It's really good but it has got long cooldown. Nevertheless, he is great AoE damage character.

When playing Karthus, you need to know that killing enemy in your lane is not primarily. Your only range damaging skill is your first ability. You can poke and harass enemy out of the lane. Of course, this doesn't mean you cannot kill your enemy, but you shouldn't focus on that, smart enemies will never get killed by Karthus. Try to prioritize, though, enemies that are low on health in other lanes. This way you'll easier secure additional gold and you could farm freely.

Summoner spells:

Flash - Since Karthus has no gap closing / gap reducing abilities, this is important spell to get.

Ignite - Will help you secure kills.

Replacements for Ignite:

Depending on your play, you may get one of these below.

Heal - You think you'll be pushed out of your lane easily? You'll be damage? Pick this spell if that's the case.

Clarity - Karthus has big mana issues in the beginning of the game. This spell can make him even more powerful, but there's one problem behind this. If you decide to pick this spell, though, you will end up one spell shorter in the late game because of the build in which we will build mana.

Teleport - You can use teleport to set up really good ganks. Due to Karthus' strong AoE damage you can walk in the gank and enemies will melt down due to your high damage output, literally.


Death Defied (Passive) Upon dying, Karthus enters a spirit form allowing him to continue casting spells while dead for 7 seconds.

Explanation: It's kind of a better version of Guardian Angel, if we are to be asked. It won't give you another life, but unlike Guardian Angel enemies won't be able to stop your damage. It's the best and the surest form to be in when you are casting your ultimate since this way it cannot be canceled.

Note of caution: If you were casting your ultimate and you die, even though you've transformed into spirit that can cast spells over and over again, ultimate channeling will be canceled.

Lay Waste Creates a delayed blast at Karthus' cursor position. After 0.5 seconds, deals 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+30% of ability power) magic damage to each nearby enemy, this deals double damage if it hits only a single unit.

Cooldown 1seconds
Cost 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52mana
Range 875

Explanation: This is your key harassing spell. It takes time to get used with delay, but once you do, you will be able to fully damage the enemy. When hitting enemy champion, try solely hitting him. Damage will get doubled if you hit single enemy; keep that in mind! Max this spell first and take first point of it in level one.

Wall of Pain Creates a 800 / 900 / 1000 / 1100 / 1200 distance wide wall through target point. Reduces enemy armor and magic resistance by 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 and reduces movement speed by up to 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%; debuff lasts 5 seconds. The wall lasts 5 seconds.

Cooldown 22 seconds
Cost 100 mana
Range 1000

Explanation: This is good spell if you get ganked. Because of this spell you can be a little aggressive, but do not overextend. Max this spell thirdly, but learn it when you become level 2.

Defile Toggle Off: When Karthus kills a unit, he restores 20 / 27 / 34 / 41 / 48 mana.

Toggle On: Drains 30 / 42 / 54 / 66 / 78 Mana to deal 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+25% of ability power) damage to nearby enemies each second.

Cooldown 0.5seconds
Range 550

Explanation: This spell is good to deal up with your mana problems early game, but it cannot fully cover your mana consumerism. It's great AoE spell, but the downside is that you need to be in close range to your target (you needn't to come in melee range, though). Max this spell secondly but take first point of it on level 3.

Requiem After channeling for 3 seconds, Karthus deals 250 / 400 / 550 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to all enemy champions (regardless of distance).

Cooldown 180 / 150 / 120 seconds
Cost 200 / 300 / 400 mana
Range 10000

Explanation: This is Karthus' key spell. Even though this is one of the most famous ultimate in the game it's not that strong early on. It can take some time until you realize how much enemy should have health points so your kill is surely to come.

Note: When casting this spell, you should look at the enemies magic resistance, so you know if you are going to kill him, actually, or not.


boots-of-speed health-potion3
Boots of Speed, 3 health potions

It doesn't matter if you have runes or not. You want to harass. If you want to harass your enemy effectively, you need to be mobile. Due to that you should start like this. There is one alternate way for starting and that is only the number of health potions you are going to get. We recommend you get 3 of them, but it's never bad idea to go with two health potions and one mana potion. :)

Note: You can see many people starting differently with Karthus. We feel that this is the best way to harass enemy and dodge his harassment.

Early game goals:

Tear of Goddess

You should pick this item early on. It will provide you with mana. With this item and help of your 'e' spells passive, you should never have mana problems in lane, but we will build more mana later on, though.

Rod of Ages

As we've said, Karthus is character who utilizes in tenkiness, ability power, and we said we will build mana on him. Due to that, this is one of your core items because it gives you all of the mentioned in last sentence.

Picking the right shoes:

There are two shoes between you must decide on.

Sorcerer's Shoes

Will give you magic penetration. If you see your enemies are building, or have, magic resistance runes, go for this item.

Mercury's Threads

These are the shoes we recommend on almost every character. These will give you magic resistance, which may prove useful if your enemy's bruising you, and tendency, which will help you once the team fights start.

Middle game goals:

Needlessly Large Rod

You could use more AP in this time of the game. Go for this item, but we aren't going to upgrade it into something more, not just yet.

Archangel's Staff

Now's the perfect time to merge your Tear of Goddess into this item. You'll gain more ability power now.

Frozen Heart

No, we are not joking. Buying Frozen Heart is important for two reasons. First one is that it will give you tenkiness thanks to the armor it gives. Second reason is that this item gives mana. Buying this item will give you more AP as well. How? Remember Archangel's Staff? It gives you ability power on how much mana you have. You see now that this isn't really bad thing to go for.

Late game goals:

Depending on how much you get fed, you may be buying these items still in middle game or in late game, but we presume it will usually always be the late game.

Rabadon's Deathcap

As all AP based champions, he needs this item. With this item, now, you should have more than 500 AP. That usually does it. :)

Situational item:

Since you've merged your Needlessly into Rabadon's, there's one more slot to fill. What item you should get? Look at the list below.

Void Staff

If enemies are building too much magic resistance to try and counter you, counter them with this item.

Banshee's Veil

You could still have problems with enemy AP carries. Buy this item and you'll turn into tank, as well. You will gain AP as well due to mana Banshee's gives and thanks to Tear of Goddess merged into Archangel's.

Warmog's Armor

You feel like you don't have enough health? Go for this item.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter

You can get this item if enemies are too fast. One in team fight when you activate 'e' skill with its AoE damage and range it will pretty much slow everyone a lot thanks to Rylai's.

There are actually no more tips and tricks we are able to share with you. Karthus is pretty much easy champion to figure out and even if we forgot something you'll find it on your own once you start playing him. We feel that all tips and tricks are included already in this text. Playing Karthus isn't actually a rocket-science.

Thank you once again for following our work and we hope we've been helpful once again. If you have any remarks comment below the post.

Troll Patrol

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hiatus ending

We wish to apologize for the time off. We've had to deal up with some issues and all are taken care of now.

We wish to inform you that we will start with our work tomorrow and that one build will be released tomorrow. There are few guides requested and we will try to release them as soon as possible.

We thank you for following us!

We wish you all the best and come again tomorrow to check the news! All the news will be updated on our facebook page.

Good luck on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Troll Patrol will be on hiatus up to Wednesday. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will try to post everything you asked us to from Wednesday to Sunday.

We have some issues to deal up with now and we are truly sorry we won't make any guides for this period of time!

If you have anything to ask us or say to us, you can still do that, via ir via e-mail: We will respond to you as soon as we can.

Yours faithfully,

Troll Patrol!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Evelynn, the Widowmaker - guide

Evelynn is bruiser character mostly played as jungler. She is character who is getting nerfed with every patch because of her strength. Since her remake, we've seen few more nerfs to her as well. If any of our skill information doesn't match up the new Evelynn, we are sorry, but there is actually no way to be able to follow up with everything they are doing to her. :))

When playing Evelynn you should know that she is pure roamer. It won't matter if you are jungling or not, you should gank as much as possible. Her stealth is one of the best in the game, still.

Also, when playing Evelynn you should bare in mind that you are bruiser and your role is to focus down enemy carries as quickly as possible.

Furthermore, she is squishy character, so don't try to tank with her or initiate battles. We'll talk more about this in strategy sector.

Summoner spells:

Exhaust - good for disabling enemy you want to kill. When carrying this spell there's no doubt that enemy will do any harm to you. :)

Smite - Take it only if jungling.

Replacements for smite:

If you are not jungling, you won't be needing smite. This is what you can get instead of it.

Flash - Because Evelynn has no gap closing / gap reducing abilities, it's never bad option to take this spell.

Ignite - Will reduce enemy's healing and will secure the kill.

Cleanse - This is helpful spell. If you want to have better defense, this is not bad spell to take. But, what do we mean with defense? We actually mean that enemies won't be able to stun, slow you or similar and you'll be able to escape ugly looking situations.


Shadow Walk (Passive) Evelynn stealths into the shadows only being seen by nearby enemy champions or true sight. While stealthed, Evelynn regenerates 1% of her maximum mana every second.

Casting spells, taking damage or dealing damage reveals Evelynn for 8 seconds.

Explanation: This passive gives Evelynn her stealth ability. Be careful, you are not fully invisible. There is range on your passive and if someone enters that range, he'll be able to see you.

Hate Spike Evelynn fires a line of spikes through a nearby enemy, dealing magic damage to all enemy units in its path.

Explanation: This is your key damaging spell. You are to spam it on enemy as much as you can because it gives you insane amount of additional damage. Furthermore, even if you are being chased, it'll hit enemy chasing you even if you are not faced to him. Always learn this spell on level 1. Max it first.

Dark Frenzy (Passive): Evelynn's spell hits on enemy champions grant her bonus movement speed for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 4 times.

(Active): Evelynn removes all slows affecting her and gains bonus movement speed for 3 seconds. Champion kills and assists refresh Dark Frenzy's cooldown.

Explanation: This spell is to be used as either spell to help you catch up to your enemy or to run away from enemy trying to slow you down. This spell with Cleanse combination makes Evelynn the best runner from bad situations. There are no enemies that will be able to stop her afterwards. Always level this spell third. Max it third.

Ravage Evelynn slashes a target twice, dealing magic damage with each strike. Evelynn then gains bonus attack speed for 3 seconds.

Explanation: This is just what you will need as a spell that deals additional damage. This will help you shut down enemy quicker. Level this spell second. Max it second.

Agony's Embrace Evelynn impales all enemies in the targeted area, dealing magic damage equal to a percentage of their maximum health and slowing their movement speed for 2 seconds.

Evelynn siphons their pain, gaining a shield that grows in strength for each enemy hit and lasts up to 6 seconds.

Explanation: This ability should be only used in two cases. First one is when you are chasing enemy and you and / or your team cannot catch him. Use this ability to slow him down. Another usage, and the most appropriate one, is to gain as much as shield as you can, so you should cast it in team fights on multiple enemies. More enemies hit, stronger shield you'll get. Keep that in mind. :))


AD Evelynn (jungle, lane):

Version 1:

boots-of-speed health-potion3
Boots of Speed, 3 health potions

You could use speed when jungling. So it's not the bad choice to start like this. This is the way to start if you will gank as soon as you obtain level 2. It's also good start if you are not jungling.

Cloth Armor

As soon as you get to base, buy this item and as much as health potions as you can.

Note: Even if you do not have cloth armor, you can still gank, but you'll need it for something else later.

Version 2:

cloth-armor health-potion5
Cloth Armor, 5 health potions

This is the other way to start. It honestly doesn't matter whether you'd go for boots of speed first or for cloth armor. If you are not going to gank before you get level 3, start like this. Never start like this if you are laning.

Boots of Speed

Buy boots of speed as soon as you get back to your base and you can start ganking.

Early game goals:

Wriggle's Lantern

This is the item most AD junglers use. You need this item because it will give you more durability in jungle. :)


To obtain more damage, obtain this item.

Which shoes to buy:

Berserker's Graves

If you want more attack speed, get these.

Mercury's Threads

If you see enemies have too much Crowd Control effects and you are not carrying Cleanse, go for these ones.

Boots of Mobility

These are the most important shoes for Evelynn. We strongly recommend that these are to be bought almost always because they'll help you roam quicker and make more ganks quicker.

Continuing with building (Early game / Middle game):

Trinity Force

This is only item which gives AP you will have. This will give you everything you'll find useful.

Infinity Edge

As AD Evelynn you need this item. We know this is expensive route but AD Evelynn is not easy to play with.

Guardian Angel

Since Evelynn is too squishy and if you will be playing AD on her, you'd need this item after Infinity Edge. This will make you tanky, a bit.

Late game goals / Situational items:

Pick your 5th item:

If you are doing well:

Black Claver

Get it if enemy players are not building too much armor.

Last Whisper

If 2 or more enemies are building armor and have more than 120, get this item.

Madred's Bloodrazor

If you see enemies building health, you should rush this item.

If you are focused a lot:


If you are constantly having problems with enemy AD carries, buy this one as your fifth item.

Banshee's Veil

If you are having problems with enemy AP carries, buy this one as your fifth item.

Pick your sixth item:


Sell your Wriggle's Lantern now to make space for this item. This is more useful item in late game than Wriggle's is.

Your complete build should look like this (if you are not getting focused too much):

boots-of-mobility trinity-force guardian-angel madreds-bloodrazor the-bloodthirster
Boots of Mobility, Trinity Force, Infinity Edge, Guardian Angel, Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster.

Note: We used only one shoes to show you the example, you can build any you like. Furthermore, we used Mardred's Bloodrazor only, you can buy Black Claver or Last Whisper if situation demands one of them more.

Your complete build should look like this (if you are getting focused by physical damage carries):

boots-of-mobility trinity-force guardian-angel the-bloodthirster
Boots of Mobility, Trinity Force, Infinity Edge, Guardian Angel, Thornmail, Bloodthirster

Note: Once again, we used only one of three shoes. You are to obtain anyone that situation demands for.

Your complete build should look like this (if you are getting focused by magical damage carries):

boots-of-mobility trinity-force guardian-angel banshees-veil the-bloodthirster
Boots of Mobility, Trinity Force, Infinity Edge, Guardian Angel, Banshee's Veil, Bloodthirster

Note: Once again, we used only one of three shoes. You are to obtain any of your liking.

AP jungle / lane build:

Note of caution: Version 1, shown on AD Evelynn build, is how to start. It doesn't matter if you are jungling or not.

Early game goals:

Amplifying Tome

Cheep item that will be merge later into something better. :)


Boots of Mobility

If you know you will be roamer, and you are laning get this item. Also, get it if you will be doing many ganks as a jungler.

Mercury's Threads

If enemies have many Crowd Control effects, get these shoes.

Sorcerer's Shoes

If you want to deal more magical damage, obtain these ones.

Afterward goals (Early game / Middle game):

Mejai's Soulstealer

If you are doing good, get this item

Will of the Ancient

If you didn't buy Mejai you should rush this item. If you bought Mejai, don't worry, go for this item afterwards.

Rabadon's Deathcap

As the major AP item, get this one. This should be all there is to with your AP items. With this you have too much AP and you needn't more.

Late game items:

Guardian Angel

You will really use the defense it provides you.

Sixth item / Situational:

Banshee's Veil

If you are having problems with AP caster, buy this item.

Abyssal's Scepter

This will give you more AP and will give you magic resistance. If you feel like you need more AP, feel free to buy it.

Final complete build:

boots-of-mobility [items/rabadons-deathcap.png] guardian-angel

Boots of Mobility, Mejai's Soulstealer, Will of the Ancient, Rabadon's Deathcap, Guardian Angel, Banshee's Veil

Note of caution: If you haven't bought Mejai's Soulstealer, you'd have one more place to fill. Do that with Abyssal's Scepter. We also used only one of three shoes.

Hybrid build (jungle / laning):

Note: Start like Version 1 says in AD Evelynn build.

Early game goals:

Hextech Revolver

This will give you AP and spell vamp and we'll upgrade it into something else, later on.

Boots of Mobility

Always get these shoes as you need movement speed as hybrid Evelynn.

Guinsoo's Rageblade

This is your first major hybrid item to get.

Middle game goals:

Trinity Force

Start building Trinity Force slowly and once you can, finish it.

Zhonya's Hourglass

This item will provide you with armor and ability power. It could save your life as well if enemies start focusing you during the team fights.

Late game goals:

Hextech Gunblade

It's time to merge your Hextech Revolver into this. Never forget to use it's effect as it is really good.

Picking your sixth item:

If you are not having problems with any enemy champion:


If you are not being too much focused, go for Bloodthirster.

If you are getting focused too much:

By AD carry:


If you are having problems with AD carry, go for Thornmail as it will help you kill him easier.

By AP carry:

Maw of Malmoritus

This is not bad item because it gives you shield (with your ultimate shield you can get insane durability) and gives you more AD damage.

Final build:

guinsoos-rageblade trinity-force [items/zhonyas-hourglass.png] the-bloodthirster
Boots of Mobility, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Trinity Force, Zhonya's Hourglass, Hextech Gunblade, Bloodthirster

Note of caution: As a sixth item you can chose whatever from the list. We used Bloodthirster only to show an example.

Tips and tricks:

We will tell you one ultimate secret that we've just recently came across. Keep reading for it.

Anyway, when playing Evelynn, like all stealth champions, your goal is not to initiate team battles. Actually, you are not to be anywhere near them. You should always leave your teammates and position as best as situation gives and attack from behind. As soon as your team initiates, you should move and enter the fight. Usually, enemy AD carries, due to positioning, stay far behind their teammates and this is really good for you because you will shut him down before he can even react. Your job is to shut down their carry. With your insane, burst damage you will kill him in few seconds, it won't matter whether you chose to play AD, AP or hybrid Evelynn. After you've killed enemy AD carry you should use your ultimate on enemies to slow them and gain shield. Start focusing down their AP carry and afterwards go for their AD melee carry, if they have him, and leave tanks as last.

Always try to position in a way that your 'q' spell will damage more than one of the enemy. This is hard to master, but is crucial to what makes good Evelynn.

When jungling, start with wolves, then go for blue with help of your team. You can start ganking now, but you needn't just yet. Go kill Wraths, then go for Golems, recall to buy. Then you should either go for a gank of get red first.

Note of caution: Never gank if you have less than 33.3% of health as you will be shut down easily.

Evelynn's secret:

As we said, we'll reveal you the big secret that less than 0.00001% of players know about. Evelynn has actually two passive abilities! What's the other one? It's hidden passive ability, something like Zilean have, but this one is even better. :)

This is one of the best passive abilities in game.

Have you ever wondered why does your character suddenly start attacking Evelynn if he sees her nearby and cancels orders you gave him? That's actually that! This is Evelynn's secret! This is due to Evelynn's hidden passive ability. You might have not noticed, but some of us did. She has a global taunt!

Whenever she shows up, all of the characters lose control and switch their attacks to her. This can be really good if you want to save your teammate.

Note: This doesn't work all the time. It just works for the first shot when the enemy sees you. After enemy player looks again to some other target, your hidden passive won't work, logically.

This is all there was to it. We hope we've been helpful and that you now know a thing only dozen of players around the globe know. You see, we at Troll Patrol aren't imposters and phonies. We are actually players who've been testing a lot and we've all been at top of the ladders before. If you doubted us, we believe we've shown you that you shouldn't!

By the way, this was the surprise we said yesterday on our facebook page. If you still haven't liked us, visit: and like us and we will inform you about everything there is to. :)

We wish you all the good luck playing!

Troll Patrol