
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Discussion: Team combiner

Hello all! We've been busy lately but as it is the end of the week most of us have time now. Today we will talk about team combiner question that came from Serbia. Here with us today are Magnifico, NJ, Ashley and Owen.

Owen: Well, like always, I'm the host here.

Magnifico: Ya da host, we da answer ppl.

Ashely: Hmmm...?

Magnifico: You are the host, we are the answer people. :)

Ashley: OK, whatever...

Owen: Please, don't try to talk fancy even I cannot understand that.

Magnifico: Rodger that, sir!

NJ: Anyhow, what is the question you gathered us all to answer?

Owen: Oh, yeah, about that. The question came in saying: "What is the best team combiner? Greetings from fellow Serbian!"

Ashley: That's it?

Magnifico: He's screwing with us. :D This is his payback! :D

Owen: I'd be glad to mess up with you, but that's not why we are here. Whole mail consists of that message. In the end best part of job: I didn't have to find the question and put solely the question in. xD I could put the whole message for the first time.

NJ: Actually, three best thing about your job: Firstly, you didn't have to do anything, you just sit this out as always and just listen to us talking. Secondly, you don't need to figure out what the writer had in mind. Thirdly, you don't need to bare agony trying to write pretty much everything because of the insufficient explanation of the question.

Ashley: NJ, there was actually no explanation in the question. O_o Did I misread something?

Magnifico: Joking like always, I see... :D But a little of contradiction to what you said, NJ, he had to call us up in the end...

NJ: Wow, that's such a hard job. :D

Owen: Yeah, yeah, I know, my job is easy and I'm thankful for it! :D But let's not forget who does the editing of all of these messages. :) I'm the reason why these posts are fun to read.

Ashley: This came out of the blue. :D I feel like you are feeling unappreciated...

Owen: No, no, you got it all wrong! Curse this NJ for starting this! :D Let's get back to what we came here for. Sooner we finish sooner you'd be able to leave. :D

Magnifico: Anyone forbids me to leave?


So after this chit-chat has ended we started talking about the question.

Owen: OK, OK, zip it you all! Focus!

NJ: Ladies start first!

Ashley: Thank you! This is why I love you! :) In the end, I think we ought to talk about what are the best attributes for one team to have, not specifically which characters the team should chose.

Magnifico: Agreed!

Ashley: Due to that, all team compositions ought to have a good tank. That is the primarily and the most important thing to chose. Without a tank in most cases you will have lost easily. Picking good tank is not easy and it is the hardest and most crucial decision the team must decide on. Contemplating decision must be contemporaneous due to the time limit you have. Picking must be fast. In ranked games everything becomes harder. Even though the time limit is longer one good move from the enemy team and you will have been needing to change your tactics drastically because not all tanks and other characters can be goodly synchronised. In the end these are the things you should base taking your tank on:

                                 1. Let your teammates decide which character they will be playing with.

                                 2. Now it is crucial to know all of characters abilities. If they took characters with bad or without Crowd Control you ought to take popularly-called CC-tanks. Examples for these tanks are: Amumu, Nautilus, etc. If your team has good Crowd Control effects you can be found in two different cases scenarios: example a: your team might not be that tanky. Highly due to that you will need to pick popularly-called hard-core tanks. Example for those are: Rammus, Malphite, etc. Example b: your team could be tanky with a lot of Crowd Control effects. Because of that you should pick supporting tank. Those are the tanks whose main point is obtaining items that will make them good tanks but also will support their teammates well. Their spells needn't only to be good for supporting but rather than for tanking as well. Good example for that is Leona (though she has a lot of CC they can be used in both supporting and tanking ways. I think she's NJ's favorite supporting tank, after Galio who carries the same role).
                                 3. After you've decided who to play you must have talk with your teammates about who will get which supporting or tanking item. Who will get for example Frozen Heart and Randui's, who will get Thornmail, etc.

Magnifico: Another thing is to pick good AD carry. AD carries should be picking first. The best solutions for AD carries are either AD carries with good Crowd Control effects or AD carries that have % damage. Due to that, best carries in game are: Vayne, Kog'Maw and Varus. All of them have basic % damage which are given to them by one of their skills. This way they can always be one step ahead from the enemy. Good carries that have Crowd Control are: Ashe, Urgot (even though he is AD caster he can fulfill this role well if you know how to put his CC at use), etc. Another AD carry solution can be hybrid AD carries such as Corki and Kog'Maw. You can get hybrid carries only if your teammate jungling is offensive tank.

NJ: Another important thing to bare in mind is picking support and AP carry. AP carry should be picked second but supports are usually picked last. When playing with AP carry you should think about who will your teammates be playing with. If your teammates have small ranges you ought to pick AP carry with good range like Lux, Cassiopeia, Malzahar, etc. On the other hand, if your teammates obtain good range abilities you should focus on getting multiple damaging AP carry like Ziggs, Mordekaiser, etc. Picking supports is usually last because support must fill the cranny in your team. If your team lacks in healing or surviving best support pick is usually Karma or Lulu. On the other hand if you want to boost your AD carries abilities and play offensive in lane Janna is good pick. If you are supporting AD carry that uses a lot of mana like Sivir, you should pick Soraka. If you lack in healing and tanks or offensive tanks you should pick Taric. I think I covered all the supports, I might've missed some of them, if so, don't be mad about that. :)
Anyway, Owen, I think we'll leave you to explain about solo top picks.

: Yey! OK, so, when picking solo top you must think about two things. How will you play. You usually pick forth. If you have jungler who is unable to gank in early levels you will need to play defensive so you should pick character that hasn't got a lot of pushing power but who will be able to help their teammates as soon as the fight starts, but if you are playing with jungler who is quick and good ganker even in early levels don't be afraid to get characters like Garen, Irelia, Jarvan, etc. who have good pushing power. Your solo top pick should be also based on the strategies. It's not bad to have two offensive tanks in team, but it can be disadvantage if all of your teammates are building tanky. If you know what builds they are using go for light defense characters like Tryndamere (this is not a joke, he is light defense character in a way that he doesn't utilizes in building hp or armor or mr; he usually builds just AD, unless you need him to be offensive tank but that's not something we see often), GP, etc.

NJ: So, shall I do the outtro? :D

Owen: No! That's mine thing to do, haha! :D

NJ: OK, go for it, then! :D

Owen: I hope that we've been helpful to you and that you understood the basics in picking your team members.

Good luck on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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