
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Discussion: Is the support really necessary?

We are back today with one more new discussion. Today, I will be accompanied by Sarah and Ashley.

Owen: Hey, gals! So, I've received question that goes like this: "I've been wondering, is support really that necessary? In my opinion it isn't. What's yours? Would you explain me why you think it is or it isn't?" So, which one of you'd like to answer first.

Ashley: I will, haha! :D Our opinions in Troll Patrol are split up. I personally support supporting. :)

Sarah: I love playing supports as well so I'm with you on that one, sister.

Owen: I like them as well. :)

Ashley: So, you see, most of our members like supporters, but that opinion is not shared by Alex, Magnifico, Nicholas and Peter. So, in the end supporting wins with majority 6:4 votes. :D
Still there are a lot of things why I like supporting. It's actually bad thing that Alex was unable to join us today as well, but I will try to reproduce what he usually says about support while saying cons about supports. Reason why I love supporters is because they can help your team. They are boring to play with, sometimes, but they are actually pretty helpful. Some of them can heal your allies but the most important thing baring in mind is that all of them can save allies from pinch situations. They are goodly used as baiting characters. Another advantage is that supporters can buy items such as Shurelya's Revery, Frozen Heart, Will of the Ancient, Zeek's Herald, etc. This way, other of your allies needn't manly to focus on getting needlessly items. They can actually focus getting core items and with help of support turn them into powerfulness. Their another good usage is that they can let their teammates become stronger than rather lessening it, as already mentioned. In early game that is the most important thing, to let your teammate get fed.

Sarah: But Alex wouldn't definitely agree with that?

Ashley: Yes, he is such stubborn person, concerning this. On the other hand, downside having support is that your team is being deprived for more damage which sometimes can turn the tides. If you decided to pick tank and support in same team you will be deprived from two damage dealers, as tanks and supports are not the good ones. Solely because of that our team cannot agree on this thing; though we usually pick supports not all of are teammates are getting rejoice of playing like that. Nevertheless, we are playing supports and don't lose often and manly because of that I think you should not be opposing to people playing as support. Thus far, we haven't experienced inexperienced people trying to support. People who are usually supporting are really good and know how to play that's why I think even if you lost you should not be blaming it all on support, because it's not him or her who lost battle for you, in the end.

Owen: So, finally, is this all there is to?

Sarah: I ain't believin' so!

Ashley: I love yer street language!

Sarah: And I love your fancy talk. I'm sure not many of people understood what you tried to say. :)

Ashley: You are being silly!

Sarah: Am I? We will see!

Ashley: To conclude: "Reign of Supports shall continue; no matter what you try to do! Muhahaha!"

Owen: That sounds a bit devilish!

We cut their conversation from here on because it was inappropriate.

All the best on fields of justice! Hope this was helpful!

Troll Patrol

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