
Monday, October 1, 2012

Introducing Troll Patrol members

Hello to all of you who have been following us for past few days. We are Troll Patrol and most of us come from Serbia. You will not be able to find us as ranked team because we removed our team from the game. We have been focusing on normal games and helping and explaining people how to improve their game.

Most of us come from Serbia; it's a small country located in Balkan peninsula. So this is our staff and team introduction:

NJ - Leader and founder of Troll Patrol. Utilizes in playing tanks, supporting-tanks and supporters.

Alex - Co-founder of the Troll Patrol and he was the one who named the team. Utilizes in playing AP casters and counter-jungling. He is the biggest troll of us all just FYI

Peter - Player with most experience in game. He was Beta Tester for the game as well. He has been inactive for some time, but he is back now! Utilizes in playing in jungle and hard-core tanks.

Nicholas - One of our friends who always complains about something! Just kidding! Utilizes in playing jungle and AD carries.

Sarah - One of our lady friends. Don't ask us anything about her, specially her number! We ain't gonna give you it! Utilizes in playing support.

Magnifico - Player with least day time games but with most played games in total. Utilizes in playing solo top lane and jungle.

Akito - One of our best playing players. Utilizes in playing AD carry, jungle and AP champions.

Owen - Player with least time spent in Troll Patrol. He just recently joined us (6 - 7 months ago). Utilizes in playing solo top and support.

Ashley - She is the prettiest person in our team. Utilizes in playing, hmmm... pretty much everything that is female and human (after she reads this, I'm dead man). I was just kidding (actually I was not). She utilizes in playing solo top characters, support and AD carries.

Bit more about our members:

NJ is the strategist of the team. He is the worst AD carry ever seen! Even three year old baby would defeat him, but he has cool and strange ideas and he rules with other roles. He's favorite champions are: Hecarim, Blitzcrank, Karma, Tarik, Nautilus, Urgot, etc.

Alex as said is biggest troller in team. He always finds way to annoy you and the team. He can play inactive for twenty minutes while being in game or roaming or stealing experience. When he is playing for real he is the greatest AP carry we have ever seen and I am not exaggerating. He is good with other roles as well. The thing is he really makes meaning Troll in Troll Patrol truthful. Favorite characters: Malzahar, Ziggs, Lux, Teemo, Garen, etc.

Peter is player who brought us all in the game. He is really good player but he usually needs to turn on music before he starts playing, which can last up to first 10 - 15 minutes of the game. He brings Troll Patrol's name to truth as well. He's favorite characters are: Wukong, Shaco, Ashe, etc.

Nicholas is the player who usually don't follow the orders and have his own opinions. That's why we usually get in conflict even though we are friends. The truth is he does that on purpose to annoy us and he really is successful at it. He's favorite characters: Tryndamere, Shaco.

Sarah is modest of all. She is one who has constant concentration and plays with supports really good. She is also good strategist. Her favorite champions are: Soraka, Karma, Vayne, etc.

Magnifico is pseudo name for our teammate. He is one of the most impulsive person in our team. He can scream his lungs off if he gets irritated. He has short fuses. Still, he is the best jungler we have. Favorite characters: Udyr, Skarner, Cho'Gath, Irelia, Garen, etc.

Akito is player who'd like to stay as much anonymous as he can. Still he is really good and patient and is the one who lowers teams temper to normal because of which we usually win. His favorite characters or character in his case: Nidalee.

Owen is the oldest one in team. He is actually American origin. He is one of the players we really liked and could play with really good so he decided to join us. His favorite characters: hmmm... pretty much everyone. :)

Ashley is most charismatic person in team. You remember when I said Magnifico was impulsive, yeah, she is, well I don't know word for it, can we say impulsivest? Hmmm... Doesn't sound like word. Still she is one of our best players we have. She actually comes from U.K. Her favorite champions are: Corki, Irelia, Jarvan, Urgot, Blitzcrank, Karma, and so on.

So this was little introduction of our teammates. Hope you will stay with us as more 'n' more of our members join discussions and helping at creating everything you need.

All the best on fields of justice!

Yours sincerely,
Troll Patrol

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