
Friday, October 19, 2012

Orianna guide and build

We have just been criticised that we are doing noobish champions build. Even though that's not true, as we have shown you Hecarim and Karma build, we set out to create a build for Orianna.

Orianna is an AP based ranged caster. She is one of the difficult champions to master and it takes practice to learn playing with her. She could be played as either AP carry or support.

Her biggest advantage is her range, damage she deals and a tactical support that she gives to her teammates.

She has a lot of disadvantages as well. Positioning is crucial for Orianna. Player must learn how to position and what to do. If you don't do everything correct you may end up wasting your damage. Because of that, we recommend players to start by playing support Orianna first. She is also the champion that demands from player to have quick reflexes and moves. You always need to think few steps ahead, which might not be easy.

Summoner spells:

Flash - This is important spell for her because she has no gap closing skill.

What can you get as your second summoner spell:

Clarity - If playing support, this is good item to get.

Ignite - Get this spell if you are planning to carry the role of AP carry.

Heal - Get this spell if you are supporting and your teammate asks for it.

Exhaust - Get it when supporting if your teammate asks you to.


[skills/orianna/p.png] Passive: Clockwork Windup

Orianna uses her ball as a focus for her spells and attacks. Orianna's ball automatically returns to her if she is too far away from it.

Orianna's autoattacks deal an additional 5/6.77/8.53/10.3/12.06/13.83/15.59/17.35/19.12/20.89/22.65/24.42/26.18/27.95/29.71/31.48/33.24/35 plus 20% of her Ability Power in magic damage. Subsequent attacks against the same target within 4 seconds deal an additional 15% magic damage. This bonus stacks up to 3 times.

This is passive that many people don't know how to fully use. As Alex had once suggested, because of this passive it is great to build attack speed on Orianna and we will show you. This way, you can focus on auto-attacking if all of your spells are on cooldown. :)

[skills/orianna/q.png] Q: Command: Attack

Orianna commands her ball to shoot toward a target location, dealing 60/100/140/180/220 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to targets along the way. However, it deals 10% less damage for each unit it hits (Minimum 40%).

Her ball remains behind at the target location afterwards.

Cooldown 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds

Cost 40/45/50/55/60 mana

Range 600

This is your main harassing spell. This is spell that demands good positioning as well. If you succeed not to hit minions you will get full damage from this spell and your enemy will be trembling in fear. Until you learn positioning, play support Orianna. This spell can be tricky to master though it doesn't look like that.

[skills/orianna/w.png] W: Command: Dissonance

Orianna commands her ball to release an electric pulse, dealing 70/120/170/220/270 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies.

The pulse leaves behind an energy field for 3 seconds, lowering enemy Movement Speed by 20/25/30/35/40% and increasing ally Movement Speed by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds. This effect diminishes over time.

Cooldown 9 seconds

Cost 70/80/90/100/110 mana

Range 1200

This is your support  / offensive spell. You can turn it on to give your allies additional speed (like they've used Shurelya's Revery) and slow enemies down, or you can use it to deal more damage to the enemy.

[skills/orianna/e.png] E: Command: Protect

Passive: The ball adds 10/15/20/25/30 Armor and Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.

Active: Orianna commands her ball to travel to and attach onto an allied champion, shielding them for 4 seconds from the next 80/120/160/200/240 (+60% of ability power) damage. Enemies the ball passes through along the way are damaged for 75% of the shield value: 60/90/120/150/180 (+45% of ability power).

Cooldown 7 seconds

Cost 60 mana

Range 600

This is another supporting spell of yours. This spell should be leveled on third or fourth level as it will help you or your teammate survive. It doesn't matter if you are the support or not, you will need this spell more often than you may imagine.

[skills/orianna/r.png] R: Command: Shockwave

Orianna commands her ball to unleash a shockwave after a brief delay, dealing 150/225/300 (+70% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies and flinging them into the air a set distance in the direction of the ball.

Cooldown 120/105/90 seconds

Cost 100/125/150 mana

Range 1200

This is your strongest spell in arsenal! This will pull all the enemies towards the central location of the ball. Due to that, this is good initiating spell or disabling enemy spell. This can even help you kill your target, but we recommend that you save it for team fights. This skill is usually judgemental.



Meki Pendant, 2 health potions

Starting like this is good. It won't matter if you are the support or not. This will regenerate your mana and you will have health potions to heal. Since Orianna is only the harassing champion, you don't need ability power in the early game.

Early game goals:

Boots of Speed

Buy them as quickly as possible as you want to have mobility, but you don't need to merge them into something more really quickly. You can merge them in 20th or 30th minute of the game, decide that for yourself.

Chalice of Harmony

Merge this item asap as it will provide you with mana regeneration you need.

Note of caution: From now on support and AP carry build separate. We will firstly talk about what to build as AP carry.

AP carry early / middle game goals:

As AP carry you want to be slightly tanky and durable and as well to have good CD reduction, solid attack speed and good AP. This is not easy to do.

Rod of Ages

This is the item that you need. Buying this item will provide you mana, health and AP that you can use well in early game.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

These are the boots that we mostly recommend. They will give you enough cooldown reduction for almost whole game. If enemy team has a lot of stunning effects you may go for Mercury's Threads.

Nashor's Tooth

This item will give you attack speed we've been talking about. Furthermore, you will get necessary AP to battle and you will get more cooldown reduction.

Late game goals:
Now is a time to build more ability power and durability items.

Rabadon's Deathcap

As you want to deal more damage to your enemies you will need this item. You cannot omit it! This will be your core late game item. If you can get it during the middle game it would be fantastic!

Guardian Angel

Since it's the late game time you could use durability this item provides as well as rebirth effect it gives.

If you think your build is over, you are more than wrong. There is one more thing to do and that is to merge Chalice of Harmony.

Athene's Unholy Grail

This will just provide you with more power in the late game. If you get the chance to buy it, buy it.

Note of caution: If you obtain Athene's Unholy Grail in the late game, sell your Ionian Boots and get Berserker's Graves to upgrade your attack speed a bit.

How to build support Orianna:

So, since you've already got boots of speed, chalice of harmony, this is how you will build support Orianna.

Early / Middle game goals:

Mercury's Threads

When playing support you can really use magic resistance and tendency it gives you.

Frozen Heart

Since you are supporting bottom lane you will need to find a way to counter enemy AD carry. Buying this item is necessary. It will provide you with everything you need to get in early game.

Randui's Omen

We suppose that you will not be able to buy this item before 30th minute, but don't worry, this is the perfect time for this item!

Late game goals:

Abyssal's Scepter

This will lower enemies' magic resistance and give you Ability Power. You should usually get this item.

Athene's Unholy Grail

When playing support Orianna this is usually the time to get this item.

Rabadon's Deathcap

As support you will not usually be given the chance to finish your build, but if you get it, go for Rabadon as it will strengthen your shield and damage. You do not need to be just a dead wait who will be just doing the supporting. That usually doesn't do well.

Items that should not be bought:

Aegis of Legion

Boots of Mobility

Ninja Tabi

Archangel's Staff

Deathfire Grasp

Force of Nature

Ryle's Crystal Scepter

Banshee's Veil

Lich Bane

All of the items from the list above are what we saw some Orianna players buy. They were never good with these items. You actually do not need any of the effects provided by these items so you should try and avoid them. :)

Tips and tricks:

Well, we might have said few, but let's talk more about them.

Since you need good positioning it's the best thing to always pull out to the side. If you are in a blue team the best pull out will be in right and if you are in a purple team the best pull out will be left. What do we mean by pull-out? This is something we call when player tries to find an opening. You are finding an opening when you are getting to clear and firing your ball and you do not damage anything on the way except the enemy champion. That sounds hard but believe us it's even harder than it sounds. :) You need to constantly move so your enemy doesn't realize what you are up to. Then, when you see a gap in minions lining and he is in it, you go to place from where you can fire your ball and you do that. If you need to hit few minions, don't sweat it! It happens and as you want to harass enemy you can let that sometimes happen, but not all the time! After you've created an opening, you need to be careful as opponent can use it against you. This is tactic that many players have been learning for years.

Oh yeah, you might have been asking yourself, why do I pull right, if blue, or left if purple? The answer is easy. That side has more space so if enemy tries to gank you, you will have more chance of surviving. If you try to go on the opposite side of what we said you may get ganked and killed in instance. Your survivability rate will be reduced.

Furthermore, try to spam enemy as much as you can and try to last hit minions as much as possible.

If you are getting ganked, your best choice for survival is to call back your ball to shield you and use your 'w' skill so that you get bonus movement speed and to slow down the enemy / enemies. Don't be mistaken, even if you are shielded by ball, and it's not somewhere on terrain, you will be able to cast your 'w' spell and it will have been cast where you stand. :)

When you are carrying the game, you should max your 'q' and 'w' spells as much as you can, but don't forget to get at least one level in 'e' skill.

Try to use your ultimate carefully. Start fights with it, or wait for someone else to initiate and in right moment try to immobilize all the enemies. The right time is when at least three of them are in your ultimate area.

When playing support Orianna you should focus on maxing your 'e' and 'w' skill first. You don't need to deal much damage, but rather support your teammate. Shield you give can be really good, and boost even better. Still, get few levels of 'q' skill just so you can help him.

If you play support, you should differently position. You should always be in front of your carry. This way you will provide him defense he needs but he will be able to guard your back for sure. When you do this, enemy carry cannot feed much as you are able to harass him out due to your great range.

Warding is important and it doesn't matter whether you are the support or carry. If you are playing middle, ward left and right bush, but if you are playing bottom, your best choice is to ward near dragon. This way you will always have head start because you will see jungler coming earlier than you would if you put it in bush.

We really hope this was helpful and that you found something interesting here!

Have fun playing!

Troll Patrol

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