
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Discussion: Funny Builds and Elo Hell

So, as we have already informed you about, here's the discussion about how to get out of the elo hell and what is our thought on strange looking, funny, builds. Today, here with me are NJ, Akito, Sarah and Ashley.

Two different conversations have been lead due to time-saving.

First discussion: Funny Builds (Ashley, Owen, NJ):

Owen: We've been sent a question that ask about our thoughts on funny builds we might be able to see. What do you think?

NJ: There are a lot of strange builds we may encounter and there are a lot of answers on that subject.

Ashley: Usually, people underestimate ability of the one character to change its genre. This is a common mistake we make, because people who are doing that usually had already learned to play the character that way. We shouldn't be prejudicial and tell them nasty things before they've even started playing.

Owen: Well, sometimes I am skeptical when someone tells me that he's gonna play for example AP Garen... That's absurd!

NJ: OK, you've just said it yourself. That is actually absurd but we aren't to mix these two things up. I think that question is not related to absurdity but rather than strange builds we can encounter like AD Sona, AD Malzahar, AD Diana or Tank Kog'Maw and similar.

Ashley: A tank Kog'Maw? Isn't that in a one way being absurd?

NJ: Possibly, but still we may see that and that works. AP Garen cannot work since neither of his spells deal magical damage, as far as I know.

Owen: So what you say is that you can play any character as tank and that won't be absurdity?

NJ: Pretty much it. Haven't you learn anything while playing with me? :D

Owen: Yeah, but I'm shocked to hear this.

Ashley: He and Alex played one game where Alex was tanking with Kog'Maw. That's why he used the example.

Owen: You were playing with them then?

Ashely: Actually, not. I just remember the story.

Owen: So, how did it turn up to be?

NJ: We lost but not due to his bad tanking, he was actually good.

Owen: OK, so we ain't talking about absurdity?

NJ: I think it will be unreasonable to do so. I think we may all agree on subject that playing AP on characters that have no single AP spell is absurd.

Owen: So, playing AD on any champion is possible?

Ashley: Correct! :)

NJ: Thank you for stealing my thunder, Ashley. :))

Ashley: You're welcome. :)

Owen: Are there any exceptions?

Ashley: How do you mean that?

Owen: Well, are there any characters that are best if not played against there genre?

Ashley: I think not. If you hear someone's playing a jungle Soraka or an AD Sona, even though they are supports, give them the chance. Even if they fail you may still be able to learn something.

Owen: So, both of you don't mind this?

Ashley, NJ: No. :))

Ashley: As a matter of fact, I think that players who try to find any other uses to the characters besides how other players play them will learn more and be better players then those who aren't doing that.

Owen: Well, thank you on that! I hope this was helpful and as you see our members support the idea of trying out strange builds and positioning (like jungle Soraka) but don't go for absurd ones.

Second discussion: Get out of Elo Hell (Akito, Sarah, Owen):|

Owen: Howdy, guys! We've gotta talk about something players call "Elo Hell." What would you advise them to do?

Akito: Cry about that, you aren't able to do anything 'bout it! :D

Sarah: Why are you being such a douche? :)

Akito: I was just joking. :) Will you start?

Owen: By the way I will be more active in another conversation but I'll try to follow up everything here.

Sarah: Good to know. And, yes, Akito, I will start. All of you must have heard that players are constantly crying about how they cannot achieve the good elo. If you are reading this then that probably means you cannot as well. Well, we've got a couple of solutions here for you. This should be able to help you and in no way you are to be blamed for the elo hell. I know there are players of different strengths and experience but this is what I recommend:

Firstly: While being in Elo Hell try to duo queue with a friend for who you know he is good.
Secondly: While in champion selection screen never tell one banning who to ban unless he asks you. That's ruining the mood and he cannot satisfy you all.
Thirdly: When picking champions and before that, tell that you are in duo queue with "..." and than ask if one of you can be jungling and one of you can be ad carry or solo top or mage.
Fourthly: Never enter the queue unless you know how to play a jungle, a solo top or an ad carries because those are the things that usually count in elo hell.
Fifthly: When picking go for characters that are not too hard to play. For example: Master Yi, Xin Zhao, Ashe and so on. You need to have good bruiser team who are good in early and late game. Those are usually the recommended characters and the characters mostly played with.
Sixthly: When playing you shall never insult anyone no matter how badly they do! There are two reasons for it: you do not have to tell anyone how bad they are, everyone can have a bad day or may not be as experienced as you, because if you badmouth them they will lose interest in playing and you will lose. The other reason is that it is not morally right and you wouldn't like anyone calling you "the names" if you had bad day or game. Just let it be.

That's mostly it.

Akito: So you left me with nothing to say? :D

Sarah: There'll come your moment to shine, but that's not today, muhahahah! :D

Akito: Shame on you! :) Well, I think you have forgot something, Sarah. :))

Sarah: ...'n that'll be?

Akito: There is one more rule when you are in Elo Hell. Do not push by any means necessary anyone to play support, actually you should discourage them not to play as that is not play most players are accustomed to yet. If you are asked to pick a support, don't! Try not to be jerk but do not do that because it won't matter how good you are. Elo Hell stops with somewhere 1500 - 1600 elo, depending on the server and then you should play whatever. But even there most important thing is sixth thing Sarah has said which is to be polite! :)

Owen: Well that's all for today, people! :D

Akito: Where did you come from? :D

Owen: I said I'll be watching. :))

Sarah: Haha!

Owen: I hope we have been helpful to you with this one as well and I hope you will follow our advice because we all had the problem with Elo Hell. Thanks for being here with us. Keep asking us and we will reply on you answer as soon as we can. :)

Good luck on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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