
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Vayne guide and build

This is official Troll Patrol Vayne build. Hope it'll be helping!

As always we will talk a little bit about Vayne firstly. As you may already all know Vayne is AD carry champion that utilizes in bringing down enemies quickly. Unlike other AD carries and information you might have not know about her she is a kitting character and we will explain what that means later.

Like many characters Vayne has her own advantages and disadvantages. For better precis we will put it in bullet points.

Advantages about playing Vayne:
  • One of the five strongest AD carries in late game
  • Easy tank killer
  • Has good CC form and damage
  • Great for chasing and slaying down the enemies
  • Good against multiple targets
  • One of the best for 1 vs 1 fighting
Disadvantages about playing:
  • Very squishy
  • Position reliant
  • Short range
  • Not to good in early game
  • Support reliant
  • Cannot jump through walls
Vayne is one of the champions most feared in the late game due to her high damage output and mobility. Still because she is very squish, specifically in the early game she needs to kit for her survivability.

We said we will explain what kitting actually means. Kitting means that you don't have to buy Infinity Edge or Trinity Force as your first major item. Kitting basically means that you need survivability and chasing your enemies down as your primarily thing. Buying life-steal is necessary. After that, you need to get high mobility item such as Phantom Dancer or Trinity Force. Just then you can base yourself on getting items like Infinity Edge and similar. We will cover how to build her just in a moment, but firstly...

...Summoner Spells:
[summoners/flash.png] Flash is needing Vayne item as for she does not obtain any flash over the wall skill. This is great for positioning well, escaping or chasing down your enemy.

Second spell that you may use should be one from the list below. We will explain it's use. Their order will be from most important to least important (this is just our opinion, you can always disagree).

[summoners/cleanse.png] Cleanse is a great summoner spell to remove Crowd Control effects. One special type of Crowd Control effects you cannot remove is suppression, which is Warwick's, Urgot's, Malzahar's, Skarner's, etc. ultimate. You can also remove summoner spell effects such as exhaust and ignite.

Note of caution: When removing ignite you can only remove its overtime damage and healing disability. Furthermore, playing with this spell requires good-knowing of Vayne and lots of games played with her. For starters we do not recommend this spell, you should either go on one below, but after you learn her well start playing with this spell.

Cleanse replacement spells:

[summoners/heal.png] Heal is spell that many people carry while playing AD carries. You should carry this spell if your support either doesn't have summoner heal or has no healing ability whatsoever.

[summoners/exhaust.png] Exhaust is situational, you can get it if no one on your team takes it. Great for shutting down carries. Good for 1 vs 1 combat.

[summoners/ignite.png] Ignite is spell that will help you kill your enemies faster. Pick it if you think you won't be able to win against enemy without it.

[summoners/ghost.png] Ghost is really good spell to have if the enemies mobility speed is pretty good and they do not have many slow disabilities. In any other way it's pretty much useless.


[skills/vayne/p.png] Passive: Night Hunter - Vayne ruthlessly hunts evil-doers. She gains 30 Movement Speed when moving toward nearby enemy champions.
Range: 2000

This is what makes Vayne hard to escape from. It only works when you are facing your enemy. Enemies that are not visible or stay invisible in the map will not trigger Vayne's passive ability.

[skills/vayne/q.png] Q: Tumble - Vayne tumbles a short distance and her next basic attack within 6 seconds deals bonus physical damage.
The bonus is equal to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% of her total Attack Damage.
Cooldown 6/5/4/3/2 seconds
Cost 40 mana
Range: 200

This is great spell for running away or repositioning. It will help you deal with her positioning trouble as well as help you get out or through abilities such as Anivia's Ice Wall, Jarvan's Cataclysm or Trundle's Pillar of Filth. In team fights try to use it to kite your enemies down, in other words to chase them.

[skills/vayne/w.png] W: Silver Bolts - Vayne tips her bolts with a rare metal, toxic to evil things. The third consecutive attack or ability against the same target deals an additional 20/30/40/50/60 plus 4/5/6/7/8% of the target's maximum Health as true damage. (Max: 200 damage vs. Monsters)

This is what makes Vayne fearsome in the late game. With this spell you can kill enemy tanks without any problem. This is as well skill that replaces Madred's Bloodrazer.

[skills/vayne/e.png] E: Condemn - Vayne fires a huge bolt, dealing 45/80/115/150/185 (+50% of attack damage) physical damage and knocking her target back.
If they collide with terrain they take 45/80/115/150/185 (+50% of attack damage) additional physical damage and will be stunned for 1.5 seconds.
Cooldown 20/18/16/14/12 seconds
Cost 90 mana
Range 450
Maximum Knockback distance: 470 (estimate)

Really good spell to set up ganks and pushing away enemies from you. It's good to have in mind that if enemy collides with terrain damage from this spell is doubled and enemy will be stunned for some time. Do that to quickly destroy the enemy.

Note of caution: Anivia's Ice Wall, Jarvan's Cataclysm and Trundle's Pillar of Filth will not stun enemies who hit on them. This spell can also interrupt channeling spells.

[skills/vayne/r.png] R: Final Hour - For 8/10/12 seconds Vayne gains 25/40/55 Bonus Attack Damage, Tumbling grants Vayne stealth for 1 second, and the bonus Movement Speed from Night Hunter is tripled.
Cooldown 70 seconds
Cost 80 mana


We think that it is unnecessary to talk much about this spell. Activate it when trying to run away from the enemies or chasing them down. It's good to activate it in team fights as well to double your damage. You can also use it with 'q' spell to set up a gank, but you need to do it in a second since that is invisibility duration. :)

We ought to talk about build now:

Vayne building:

Let's firstly explain when Bloodthirster is being bought and at only which times you should go for Infinity Edge first:

[items/infinity-edge.png]     vs     [items/the-bloodthirster.png]
infinity edge vs bloodthirster


Get it when:
  • You know you are going to fight and group immediately;
  • Need more burst damage than sustained damage;
  • If Zeek's Herald is being built on your team.


Get it when:

  • Get it when you need more damage;
  • Get it when you need sustain damage;
  • Get this item always unless all of the conditions above are fulfilled.
What will happen if:

You start your regular AD build with Infinity Edge first:

Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster

You start with your regular AD Build with  first:

Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper, Infinity Edge

As you see, your build doesn't change a lot. Only thing that changes as you may see is the order in which you will buy Bloodthirster and Infinity Edge. Let's talk more about building and situational items:


Start with:
Boots of Speed, 3 health potion

This will give you enough mobility to dodge enemies' skills and to poke them a bit. Health potions will also give you early game survivability.

Early Game Items:

[items/berserkers-greaves.png] Berserker's Graves

The best boots for an AD carry. It gives you attack speed as well which is helpful early game. Have in mind that your speed will not be great with these boots. It will only be approximately 380.

[items/the-bloodthirster.png] Bloodthirster

This is the item that defines kite for kitting characters. It will give you enough sustain with its life-steal but you will also again a lot of damage that scales will strengthen her abilities more than Infinity Edge.

Middle Game Items:
[items/phantom-dancer.png] Phantom Dancer

This is the item that must be bought on Vayne. It will give her enough critical chance for the early game. Furthermore it will give her additional attack speed which she as a kitter really needs and movement speed which will be really helpful to her in chasing her enemies.

[items/last-whisper.png] Last Whisper

This is situational item. Usually should be bought if more than two or three enemies reach 120 armor. If no one reaches it do not buy this item. Still, get Infinity if enemies are not scaling armor.

[items/infinity-edge.png] Infinity Edge

There's not much to talk about this item in general. It will give you everything you need to kill your enemies.

Late Game Items:
[items/guardian-angel.png] Guardian Angel

This is one of the last items you may bought on Vayne. This will give her everything more that she needs to survive battles. This should be usually bought as 5th or 6th item.

trinity-force Trinity Force

This is item that will help her a lot. We usually do not combine this item with Phantom Dancer but you may find it useful since Sheen's passive ability strengthened and passed on Trinity Force will help Vayne deal a lot of additional damage. It is also good as it provides sustain and slow chance.

Situational Items:
[items/banshees-veil.png] Banshee's Veil

This is item not often bought but is really good. This is situational item if enemy caster is focusing you down easily. Unless that happens don't go buying this item.

[items/quicksilver-sash.png] Quicksilver Sash

One of the most important items to get if you do not carry cleanse. This will take you one free slot but if you didn't chose cleanse in your summoner spells you will need to get this item as it can remove debuffs from you and you may be able to reposition, even kill.

[items/executioners-calling.png] Executioner's Calling

This is OK item to buy if you are battling against someone who heals too much. Buy it if your teams ask you or buy it as first major item if you are in lane against someone who heals much and you don't have ignite to stop that. Unless that happens don't go for this item.

[items/tiamat.png] Tiamat

Though this is not the best kitting item it can be used as. If you have bad start, you cannot do much, try to get Tiamat asap because you will gain 35% of AoE skill damage and 50 attack damage for only 2100 gold. Furthermore, you will get hp/5 and mp/5 regain. This combined with Vampiric Scepter can be good combination. After this you should not have any problems farming and getting enough gold for your build. You can buy it in late game as well if you want AoE damage, but since Vayne is ranged this is not toughly recommendable.

hexdrinker Hexdrinker

This is item you can get if you are having problems with magic dealer. You can never know what enemy's tactics may be, so it's good to have back-up plan. You needn't this upgraded to Maw of Malmoritus.

You do not need any armor items. When you build Guardian Angel you will get all armor that you need.

Well we really hope we have been helpful to you once again. We are sorry that it takes us few days to write builds but we are short-timed and this is painful long process.

Good luck on fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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