
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Janna guide

In the spirit the Season 2 was about to end, we will talk about Janna.

Janna is one of the craziest supports in game. She's like none other because she actually doesn't focus on supporting her teammate totally. Her job is to disable enemy champions so that her supportee can farm or kill enemies easily.

When playing Janna you need to bare in mind that positioning is crucial. Furthermore, you need to know that you can only shield, slow or knock-up and knock-back enemies; that's not bad, but you need to know how to do that properly. Moreover that, Janna uses a lot of mana. This can be very tricky to handle. Nonetheless, she is still good support and people like playing her, but we don't see many good Janna players in the game.

Summoner spells:

Flash - she doesn't have any gap closer / reducer skills. Sometimes this is important spell because it can help you centre yourself perfectly to land your ultimate. Furthermore, it's even good for escaping bad situations.

Clarity - Because of her early game mana problem this is good spell to get but be aware that you should use it when your carry demands it; you shouldn't use it just because you need mana, be of more help to your carry.

Replacements for Clarity:

Exhaust - Unless no one in your team take this spell, you definitely need to take it.

Teleport - Good spell to get back in battle quickly.

Clairvoyance - This is spell we can see many supports carrying. If you think this will be better than any spells mentioned before, get it, it can be helpful sometimes. :)


Tailwind (Passive) Increases the movement speed of all allied champions by 3%.

Explanation: This passive looks like it's not meaningful spell, but it could be. Even though it doesn't give much of speed it can secure early domination and dodge speed for allies. It's far from the best passive in game, but it's a solid one.

Howling Gale Janna summons a mighty whirlwind, which she can release to deal 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+75% of ability power) + 25 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (for each second it charges) magic damage to all targets in it's path, in addition to knocking them into the air. The distance traveled by the whirlwind increases for each second it channels.

Cooldown 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
Cost 90 / 105 / 120 / 135 / 150 mana

Explanation: This is your key spell. With this spell you can disable enemies easily and save yourself and ally from definite death.

Note of caution: Skills like Ezreal's ultimate will not damage anyone knocked-up by this skill! Be careful with this or you'd piss off your teammates.

Zephyr Passive: Increases Janna's movement speed by 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16%, and allows her to move through units.

Active: Janna launches her elemental at the target dealing 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 (+80% of ability power) magic damage, and slowing their movement speed by 24 / 30 / 36 / 42 / 48% for 4 seconds. Janna loses the passive benefit while Zephyr is on cooldown.

Cooldown 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9seconds
Cost 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80mana
Range 600

Explanation: This skill is what makes Janna good and quick support. You even needn't any shoes for some time so you can focus building something else 'till the chasing comes. Furthermore, it slows enemies and can help you secure the kills.

Eye Of The Storm Janna shields her target, absorbing 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+90% of ability power) damage and buffs them, increasing their attack damage by 14 / 23 / 32 / 41 / 50 for 10 seconds (can target Turrets).

Cooldown 12seconds
Cost 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110mana
Range 800

Explanation: One of your key spell for supporting your ally. Giving him this shield he can absorb more damage and can gain the same. This can really strengthen ones damage in early game and make him more dominating.

Monsoon Janna knocks surrounding enemies back and channels healing winds, restoring 90/130/170 (+0.35) health to nearby allies each second for 4 seconds.

Cooldown 120seconds
Cost 200 / 275 / 350mana
Range 725

Explanation: One of the hardest spells to land. Landed good, you can secure kills easily, landed bad, let's just say you will hear a lot of censored words. This is not that good healing spell but it is good for throwing your enemies around. It can also help players not to get killed by ignite. Be really careful about casting this one.



Meki Pendant, one Sight Ward

Always start like this. You needn't too much mobility in early game. We see people starting some other ways but we feel this is most effective. You can gain Chalice of Harmony really quick and then you can focus on getting gold accumulating items. Because you don't need shoes on the very beginning you should start like this.

Note of caution: Depending on what kind of enemy jungler is you will need to use this ward. If it's like Shaco you should use it as soon as game timer reaches 2:10 because he can start his ganks even quicker than that; but if the enemy jungler is like Warwick and you know he probably won't gank really quickly, you should place ward at the certain time you feel he's gonna come.

Early game:

Chalice of Harmony

As you have big mana issues, you should get this item as quickly as possible.

heart-of-gold Heart of Gold

This is item you need to gain more gold. You'll merge it into something else later on, don't worry.

Boots of Speed

You can get this item after Heart of Gold to become more mobile, but we won't upgrade them just yet.

philosophers-stone Philosopher's Stone

Depending on how the game progresses you could buy this in early or middle game. Anyway, it's good to have more gold accumulating items.

Middle game:

aegis-of-the-legion Aegis of Legion

You want to be more tankier and give your teammates bonus armor, magic resistance and damage.

Rabadon's Deathcap / will-of-the-ancients Will of the Ancient

You should try building Rabadon's after all of this. Sometimes you won't be able to, and it's OK, you can always buy Will of the Ancient instead and it will have positive effect on your team, but if you are that fed, go for Rabadon's as it gives you AP you need. You won't need more AP than Rabadon's / Will of the Ancient.

shurelyas-reverie Shurelya's Revery

This is one of your core spells. It will not give you only cooldown reduction, but it will also provide your teammates with big burst speed for few seconds. Upgrade Philosopher's Stone into this. :)

Situational Shoes:

Note of caution: You should buy these shoes during middle part of game, when you see that you are too slow to be of any help.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity vs  Mercury's Threads

We see many people buying Ionian's. But are those the shoes you really need? No! Depending on the game, you might probably need to buy Mercury's if one of the two cases are fulfilled: a) enemy AP carry is really owning and you need more magic resistance; b) they have a lot of stuns and you need tendency. If none of the cases are fulfilled, go for Ionian Boots then. :)

Late Game / Situational items:

Note of caution: These are the items you probably might have not gotten the chance to buy, but if you are...

Randui's Omen / Banshee's Veil / locket-of-the-iron-solari Locket of Iron of Solaris

OK, you need to go for one of these items. If you are going to buy Randui's Omen or Locket of Iron of Solaris, merge your Heart of Gold into it. If you are going to buy Banshee's you will need to sell your Heart of Gold.

Note of caution: Deciding which one of the three is most important is key to your play. If you are having problems with enemy AP carry, you will need to buy Banshee's Veil, but what if you are having problems with their AD? Which is better to go for, Randui's or Locket? It's really question with no answers. You need to be slightly bit more experienced to know what would go best. You need to check enemy carry's stats and see would it be better if you went for Randui's, trying to slow his burst damage, or will you go for Solaris, if you are having problem with not only him but magical damage dealers as well.

Deciding on your sixth and last item:

Note of caution: If you got fed enough that you will be able to buy sixth item, you will need to chose carefully because it can be game deciding. You'll need to sell Chalice, though.

frozen-heart Frozen Heart

Buy it to stop fed enemy carries. If you gotten Randui's before this, it would be even better!

athenes-unholy-grail Athene's Unholy Grail

At this time you might use more ability power and protection as well as the cooldown reduction. It's not bad choice to get, and you won't need to sell Chalice as well. :)

Rabadon's Deathcap

If you haven't bought it before, now might be the good chance to either buy this instead Will of the Ancients or to buy it as a sixth item. If you had bought it before, you mustn't buy it again.

Zhonya's Hourglass

This could probably be helpful if you are targeted a lot, but we just don't think that building this item is really necessary but if it gets necessary, go for it!

Warmog's Armor

It will give you more health points and probably make you more durable.


We don't like building this item very much but sometimes it's necessary to carry one and protect yourself from bruising enemies who can easily kill you.

Note of caution: If you are having problems, you can always sell Shurelya's Revery and buy one of these items instead!

Disappointingly, there are not too much magic resistance items that you can use on her well.

How to play with Janna:

You should be always buying wards and warding, normally, but what to do when facing up enemies? Try to stay behind your carry. You have no survivability spells and you shouldn't get too aggressive. Always try to find an opening. Never build up your 'q' skill too much as enemies will realize something's about to happen and they'll shut down into defensive play. Remember, your 'q' is just initiation tool. If you have Crowd Control stuns like Amumu's or Galio's, or even global slow rink like Nunu's or Jarvan's ring, then you can try building your Tornado to fullest.

Try using your shield whenever it is up. Let your allied carry harassing enemies. Give him mana with clarity, if you've chose to wear that spell. Use your 'w' skill to help catching the enemies or slowing them so they cannot escape after the Tornado has been used.

Remember, you can gank pretty well, as well. Whenever shifting to another lane to help or to commence fight, try coming from behind. Use your Tornado to initiate a battle from Fog of War. Enemies will be bitterly surprised and if you are good team, you won't have any problems killing. To add, after good initiation with tornado you can either flash or come to location where enemies have been knocked-up and wait 'till they fall. Once they have fallen use your ultimate to send them in your team's direction. They won't be able to escape that misery.

Be careful when landing your ultimate! When you use ultimate it throws them in chaotic direction, but you can still control where they will go. Face them up (when coming from behind), stand in front of them and try using only the first half of the ultimate circle. This way they will be thrown into your allies' direction. We will try to update more pictures with explaining this in days to come and you will be informed by that.

The biggest mistake players make is when using ultimate or channeling their 'q' spell. You won't believe us the percentage of the mistakes with that! Try not to play Janna if you are not possible to do well with these spells. It will only destroy game for you and your teammates.

We think we have covered everything there is to when playing Janna and we'll try to update some images soon to show you where people will be landed if you want to. :)

We wish you all the good luck playing!

Troll Patrol

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