
Friday, October 19, 2012

Fizz guide & build

Hey guys! It's been a while! As we've promised here's how to play and build Fizz.

Fizz is a AP melee assassin. He is one of the most fearsome characters to play against. With his abilities he's able to escape, dodge and deal tons of damage. He may also be a good jungler.

When playing Fizz you do not need to think very much. You can easily escape from pinch situations and you may always kill your target without a problem. Fizz has two gap closing skills as well.

Playing Fizz hasn't got many disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that he is the melee champion. It's probably hard to farm this way, but if you succeed, you will have really good game.

Summoner spells:

Flash - Even though you already have few gap closing skills you can get flash, it won't be the bad choice.

Ignite - It will help you kill your target easily, so always carry this spell. :)

Replacements for Flash:

Heal - You may find playing like this more useful. If you do, pick heal. :)

Teleport - Not a bad spell to have, you can create many ganks if you know how to do that.

Exhaust - Combined with ignite spell can be deadly. It will also help you battle in no good conditions.

Smite - If you are jungling, this is the best item to get!


[skills/fizz/p.png] Passive: Nimble Fighter 
Fizz's dexterity allows him to ignore unit collision and take 4 / 7 / 10 / 13 / 16 / 19 less physical damage from basic attacks.

This is not bad passive ability as you are able to pass through minions and champions. It should boost your chasing potential a bit.

[skills/fizz/q.png] Q: Urchin Strike
Fizz dashes through his target, dealing normal attack damage plus 10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 (+70% of ability power) as magic damage. This ability can trigger on-hit effects.

This is to be used as gap closing skill. With this spell you can deal a lot of damage to enemy, specially if you have Lich Bane. This is just one of the good tools in your arsenal!

[skills/fizz/w.png] W: Seastone Trident

Passive: Fizz's attacks rend his enemies, dealing 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (+35% of ability power) plus 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 % of the target's missing health as magic damage over 3 seconds. Max 300 vs. minions.

Active: For 5 seconds, Fizz's attacks deal an additional 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+35% of ability power) magic damage on hit and apply Grevious Wounds to his target, reducing incoming healing by 50%.

When activated this skill can serve as Morello's Evil Tome activating ability. Reducing enemy healing may be of importance, like when laning against Swain, Mundo, etc. This spell helps you to get countered hardly. This spell will make your physical damages strong as well, so you can finish off your enemies with this skill barely.

[skills/fizz/e.png] E: Playful / Trickster

Fizz hops toward your cursor onto his spear, becoming untargetable, and then slams the ground dealing 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 +(75% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60% for 2 seconds.

Reactiving this ability while Fizz is on top of his spear, causes Fizz to jump again towards your cursor and deal 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 +(0.75 of ability power) magic damage in a smaller area to enemies nearby, instead of slamming the ground.

This is your another gap closing skill as well as your ticket to immortality. When cast, you won't be dealt any damage (even if ignite was on put on you before you cast this spell; as long as you are on your trident, you won't be dealt any damage). This skill can deal a lot of damage as well.

[skills/fizz/r.png] R: Chum the Waters

Fizz releases a magical fish toward a location that can bind itself onto enemy champions, slowing their movement by 50 / 60 / 70%. If the fish misses an enemy champion, it will remain on the ground for a brief time, binding to any enemy champion walking over it.

After 1.5 seconds, a shark erupts from the earth, dealing 200 / 325 / 450 (+100% of ability power) magic damage in a large area, knocking up the target the fish is attached to, knocking other enemies aside and reducing the movement speed of all enemies hit by 50 / 60 / 70% for 1.5 seconds.

This is the skill that makes Fizz good initiator as well. Furthermore, when all of your skills are combined with this one, you shouldn't have any problems battling more than three people at once.

As you might have seen, Fizz's abilities make him full-pack. This is why he is one of the peoples favorite champions to get out of the elo hell. You may be able to carry game with him better than some AD carries.


boots-of-speed health-potion3
Boots of Speed, 3 health potions

This is the good way to start as you want to be mobile. You do not need much AP in the beginning.

Early game goals:

Kage's Lucky Pick

This is great item to get at the beginning of the game. It will not only help you with AP it will give you enough gold to quicker obtain items you need.

Lich Bane

This is the item you need to obtain asap. This will boost up your assassin potential. Needlessly to talk more about this.

Middle game goals:

 Ionian Boots of Lucidity

These will shorten your cooldown down. As an assassin who would like to have low cooldowns you are to obtain this item.

Rabadon's Deathcap

After you have built this you would finish your core building. After this is built, your build is relative and dependable on the game. With solely these items you will be able to kill your enemies with few blows.

Situational items / Late game items:

Guardian Angel

This is the item that will help you a lot. It's one of the helpers to your survivability.

Deathfire Grasp

You would like to merge your Kage's Lucky Pick into this always. Kage's served you well but now it's time to get this item! Even though it's getting nerfed in Elise patch, don't worry, it's still one of the greatest items in the game. This should be only replaced with another situational item if you are having some bigger problems than killing.

Zhonya's Hourglass

This is good item to get if you need survivability and ability power.

Note of caution: You should either build this or Guardian Angel, don't put two of them in the same build. You could do that, but we believe it's needlessly.

Will of the Ancients

If you need cheap item with spell vamp, this is the item you've been looking for.

Hextech Gunblade

This is expensive item. If you feel you need it you should buy it last. It will help you a lot, but we do not usually use this item on Fizz just because of its price.

Randui's Omen

If you wannabe support you could get this item. You will help your support if you buy this, as well.

Moonflair Spellblade

If you are having Crowd Control issues, you can buy this item.

Quicksilver Sash

This is another good option if you are having problems with enemy's Crowd Control effects.

Note of caution: Avoid having Moonflair and Quicksilver in the same build.

Items that shouldn't be built on Fizz:

Rod Of Ages

Ryle's Crystal Scepter

Archangel's Staff

Nashor's Tooth

Note of caution: You do not need any of the items given in the list above. You do not need attack speed, mana or healths. You are the AP assassin and you do not need anything these items give to you.

Tips and tactics:

There is no character that can counter Fizz perfectly. Fizz's biggest problems are long ranged casters such as Cassiopeia, Malzahar, Urgot, etc. We will firstly talk how to play against champions that are not counter to you.

When playing champions that cannot counter you, you should play aggressively. Jump in with 'q' whenever you can, attack them with few basic attacks and as soon as they realize what's happening use your 'e' to escape. Poking them from distance is good. Once they are low, repeat the step above but with slightly one change. Use your 'e' to deal damage rather than escaping.

When playing against semi-counters who have long range you mustn't be really aggressive. Use your mobility against them. Try to last hit champions and dodge their skills. Once you see they've cast their key spell you should attack them. For example, if Cassiopeia misses her 'q' skill you should try to repeat the step we've talked already about, enter with 'q', deal few basic attacks and leave with 'e'. When playing against counters it's all about positioning, quick reflexes and patience.

When playing against semi-counters who have long range, but have stuns, roots, snares, as well, like Lux, Swain, you will need to adopt different tactics. You should wait them to run out of mana. Once they are out, you can attack them without any problems. Furthermore, try to be quicker than them. Once you see they've cast their stun, silence, fear, whatever, you should jump over it with your 'e', use your 'q' skill to get closer and deal basic attacks. You would be left without any escaping options but you will damage them so hard that they'll need to recall. Having your ultimate will make things only easier. When jumping over their silence, root, snare, stun, throw your shark. If you time everything right and you hit the target, they are surely dead.

How to jungle with Fizz:

Many of you might have been wondering when you read that Fizz can jungle as well. Well, it's probably if you are new to the game that you haven't seen the jungling Fizz, but that was pretty common role when he got out.

We will share tips with you how to do this.

First of all, building jungler Fizz and middle lane Fizz is the same. You shouldn't change anything in the build.

When jungling, ask for the hard leash, as you, yourself aren't enough to deal with Golems. You should pick your second skill first as it is constant and you will deal bigger physical damage this way. After killing Golems and obtaining level two you should pick your 'q' skill next. Afterwards, go clear jungle the same way you would as you were Lee Sin or some other jungler. Jungle route is always the same.

Note of caution: Jungle will be changed in Season 3. For now, we have no acknowledgement about that.

After you've obtained level three and your 'e' skill you are ready to gank! Jump in fights with 'e' or 'q' and you will kill them easily. Try to focus their AD carry, though.

When jungling, you should bare in mind that you can counter-jungle really well. Buy wards and ward key points of enemies' jungle. Once you've obtained level three, you can counter-jungle really well. Let enemies lose healths to Golem or Lizards and then attack. They won't be able to get away from your combo. Not even flash can save them! :D This is one of the effective ways to stop their jungler in tracks. If you do this well you might not need to gank other lanes at all, but even if you do you will always be stronger than enemy jungler.

Well these are the basics behind playing Fizz. We hope you liked it and you find it useful! We will be back tomorrow with how to make basic runes and we will try to publish Karma jungling build during the upcoming weekend. If you have any questions or comments leave them below or contact us via e-mail

All the best on the fields of justice!

Troll Patrol

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