
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Jungle & Solo Top: Hecarim building and guidance

This is guide and build for Hecarim. We've promised we'll try to make a couple more builds in next couple of days and this is the first one in the sight. As he is one of the strongest junglers we will cover his jungling mostly. We will cover his solo-top play as well.

Since Hecarim got out he was never one of the favorite jungle picks between people, but all top junglers in ranked know that Hecarim, Udyr and Skarner are most fearsome ones. Because of that, we will talk about Hecarim as jungler. He is not too bad as a solo top pick but building him as a solo top or jungler is pretty much the same.

Hecarim is melee offensive tank character. His build is somewhere similar to Skarner's.

Advantages of playing Hecarim:
  • A good initiator;
  • Extremely durable champion;
  • A high damage dealer;
  • Quick ganker;
  • A high-mobility champion;
  • Good escaping mechanisms;
  • Strong late game.
Disadvantages of playing Hecarim:
  • Dependable on early game;
  • Dependable on teammates;
  • Hard to play against ranged opponents in lane.
Summoner Spells:

Ghost - Even though Hecarim has a ghostlike ability already this can increase and help his ganks as well. This is also good for chasing since his cooldown on his ghostlike ability is high.

Smite - Of course, main spell you need when jungling.

Summoner spell replacements:

Replacement for Ghost when jungling:

Note of caution: When jungling you do not always need ghost with you, you may take one from the spells shown bellow:

Flash - This is the spell that you do not actually need because you have your ultimate that has low cooldown in late game. You can get it on early game, but I think it's not needed.

Exhaust - Great spell for him. You can make enemy carry having a hard time killing anyone in team fights.

Ignite - Good spell to help you kill the enemy.

Replacements for Smite if not jungling:

Any of spells above will do. It depends on your game-style.


Warpath (Passive) Hecarim ignores unit collision and gains attack damage equal to 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20 / 22.5 / 25% of his bonus movement speed.

Explanation: This is why most people try to exceed 500 movement speed. We believe you don't need to do that. 420 is solid speed that you will obtain with build we will show you. You ignore unit collision so we think that having more speed than 420 is needlessly. There is no one who has bigger speed than you, anyways...

Rampage Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies, dealing physical damage. (50% damage to minions and monsters) If Hecarim damages at least one enemy unit with this attack, he gains a stack of Rampage, reducing the base cooldown of this skill by 1 second for a short duration. This effect can stack up to 2 times.


This is spell that helps you clear jungle quickly and is your main tool to do AoE damage in team fights. Max this spell first as it is your primary source of damaging.

Spirit of Dread Hecarim surrounds himself with the spirit of dread for 4 seconds, dealing magic damage per second to all enemies within its reach. Additionally, Hecarim is healed for a percentage of the damage enemies within the area take from any source. Healing from damage dealt to minions is capped per cast.


This is spell usually picked as second when jungling as it will heal you. Remember, it has a cap on it so it will not heal you beyond it, no matter how much damage you deal. This is just spell that will help you survive a bit at least. It is AP based and you may use it when initiating to deal AoE damage. We won't build too much AP, but it should be enough to make this spell really useful.

Devastating Charge Hecarim gains 75% movement speed over the course of three seconds, ending one second afterward. His next attack knocks the target back, dealing physical damage based on how far Hecarim has traveled during Devastating Charge's duration.


This is the ghostlike ability we were talking about. Using this will increase your movement speed, you will knock-back target you encounter and furthermore you will gain more damage to deal with this ability because of your passive. Level it when you are level 3 and then you may start up ganking and counter-jungling as no one will be as quick as you.

Onslaught of Shadows Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing magic damage to anyone they strike. Hecarim releases a shockwave when he finishes his charge, dealing additional magic damage and causing nearby enemies to flee in terror away from Hecarim for 1 second.


This is the spell that is your primarily escaping tool or initiating tool. You do not need to position well as you are able to travel long distance with this spell. You fear your enemies on encounter which will help your teammates enter the battle and kill the enemies with combos they own. In early levels cooldown on this spell is a bit big, but later on you will not even realize it has cooldown. :)


If jungling or playing solo top with runes:

boots-of-speed health-potion3
Boots of speed, 3 health potion.

This is really good to start with if you have runes. If you do not have runes then build following...

If jungling without runes:

Cloth armor, 3 health potion, 2 mana potion

As you have already got good healing ability you won't need more than three health potions and due to that buying mana potions is not that bad. Blue buff doesn't last long. :)

If playing solo top:

Ruby's Crystal

This is the item you can usually start with. After that you build it into Heart of Gold to get additional gold.

Early game items (it doesn't matter how you started the game):

Mercury's Threads

These are the shoes that will help you mostly as they will give you magic resistance and tendency you need.


Building Sheen should be of great importance in early game as it will provide you with more damage.

Core Items:


This is the item that will shield you from any harmful magic damage coming your way. It will also provide you decent attack damage as well.


Randui's Omen

This item will make you more tankier and you will be able to support your team a bit. You will merge Cloth armor you bought in the beginning of the game or Heart of Gold into this item (depending on how you started). :)


Trinity Force

You will finally merge your Sheen into this item. This item will make you more durable and bigger damage dealer.

Late game items:

Maw of Malmoritus

This is the item you may need now. Merge Hexdrinker into it. It will give you solid damage and bigger shield to counter magic damage coming your way.

Situational Items:

Guardian Angel

This is the item we found really good to buy on Hecarim. It will give you everything you need. This item should be your optimal situational item and it doesn't matter if you die to much or not. It will give you magic resistance and armor as well. :)


You may find this item useful if you are having problems with enemy AD carries.

Wit's End

This item should boost your magic resistance, damage and attack speed. If you feel that will help you get this item, but only in the late game.


Buy this item if you want to play more like an AD carry than more like a tank. This is not too bad item to buy on Hecarim as well.

Banshee's Veil

Get this item if you are having problem with enemy's casters.

Items that should not be bought on Hecarim:

Atma's Impaler

You are not playing on your health much. You don't need this item. You will have everything you need so that there is no available slot for this item.

Frozen Heart

You are not support... You don't actually need this item. It is more than enough from you to support with Randui's Omen.

Frozen Mallet

You are getting ready to merge Trinity Force. In Hecarim's case having Trinity Force and Frozen Mallet is not the best choice, so avoid this item.

Infinity Edge

You do not need this item. You are not going full AD. You do not need critical it gives. If you want to have more AD you should go for Bloodthirster as it provides you with durability as well.

Locket of Iron of Solaris

We've seen few people getting this item and unless you are not going to be support dps you should avoid this item as well!

Note of caution: When playing solo top and jungle, build is pretty much the same. Things that differ are written, so read carefully again if you hadn't.

Tips what to do when jungling:

Hecarim is really strong jungler. Ask allies to help you with few hits on blue. Before you go to kill the blue golem, kill wolves first. This will speed up your jungling. Start with your 'q' ability first, then upgrade 'w' and then to be able to start gankes go for your 'e' spell. You should max your 'q' spell first and secondly 'e' spell. Your 'w' spell is not that important in beginning of the game. You should gank as much as possible just to harass opponents. You needn't to kill them all the times. You are quick and you can make every lane hard for enemies to play.

Tips what to do when playing solo top:

When playing solo top you should go for 'q' first, then 'w', then 'e' skill. After that it is wise to max 'q' and 'w' skill simultaneously. You can gank other lanes as well, but you don't need your 'e' skill upgraded on the same level as you would when you are not jungling. When you play solo top try to last hit minions and poke your enemy a bit. If your enemy is a ranged character try to stay out of its domain and play a bit defensively.

This is all! We hope you liked this build and guide and that you may find it useful! Contact us if you have any remarks on this or send us your thoughts on how the build worked on for you.

Have fun playing!

Troll Patrol

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